
Richard Greeman
French General Strike Jan. 2020
January 13, 2020
Vikram Dodd and Jamie Grierson
 Gillian Anderson delivers a Greenpeace petition to the Foreign Office in London in 2018. Photograph: Guy Bell/REX/Shutterstock

Jan. 17, 2020

Exclusive: Extinction Rebellion and Peta also named in anti-extremism briefing alongside Combat 18 and National Action

A counter-terrorism police document distributed to medical staff and teachers as part of anti-extremism briefings included Greenpeace, Peta and other non-violent groups as well as neo-Nazis, the Guardian has learned.

Linda Solomon Wood
Photo from Facebook page of Wet'suwet'en Access Point on Gidimt'en territory.

Jan. 14, 2020

Members of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation have fought for many years to keep three pipelines from running through their land in northern B.C. At stake, the protesters say, is their way of life, their culture and their system of governance which was recognized by the Supreme Court of Canada in the landmark Delgamuukw decision in 1997.

Fair Vote Canada

As voter disengagement, mistrust, and the lure of populism is growing around the world, a powerful way for citizens to lead is emerging. 

Charlie Smith
When Premier John Horgan announced that his government was proceeding with the $10.7-billion Site C dam, it created a long-standing rift with some members of his party.

Jan. 4, 2020

This morning, I reflected on how frustrating it must be for some members of the B.C. NDP as they watch their government in action.

Teachers have learned that Premier John Horgan isn't seriously committed to upsetting the status quo that was established in public education through 16 years of rule by the B.C. Liberals. 

People who think about the climate every day recognize that this NDP government is thoroughly and utterly committed to supporting the LNG carbon bomb in Kitimat that will rely on fracked natural gas.

Brent Patterson
Royal Canadian Mounted Police parade following the Last Post ceremony in front of the Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing on April 6, 2017 in Ypres, Belgium. (Photo: Jack Taylor/Getty Images)

Jan. 11, 2020

"International human rights law requires governments to respect, protect, and promote the right of Indigenous peoples to make their own decisions about their lives and futures according to their own customs and traditions."

The impartiality of state institutions and international human rights obligations towards Indigenous land defenders are crucial elements in making space for peace.

Vikram Dodd
 Counter-terrorism police placed XR on a list of extremist ideologies that should be reported to the authorities running the Prevent programme. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA

Sat 11 Jan 2020

Group threatens action after being named in guide designed to help prevent terrorism

Extinction Rebellion is threatening legal action against counter-terrorism police for what it said was the illegal listing of the group as an extremist ideology in a guide designed to help stop terrorist violence.

Vikram Dodd and Jamie Grierson
 An Extinction Rebellion protest at the Australian embassy in London on Friday. Photograph: Henry Nicholls/Reuters

 Fri 10 Jan 2020

Exclusive: Police scramble to recall guide issued to teachers putting climate activists alongside far-right groups

Counter-terrorism police placed the non-violent group Extinction Rebellion (XR) on a list of extremist ideologies that should be reported to the authorities running the Prevent programme, which aims to catch those at risk of committing atrocities, the Guardian has learned.


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