
Sophie Yeo
COP 25

 December 13, 2019

Climate activists have found plenty to be angry about at this year’s UN climate talks, which are scheduled to conclude in Madrid tonight. From youth groups to indigenous people, civil society has been more riled than in previous years, as the disconnect grows between momentum on the streets and the slow progress of the negotiations.

Julia Conley
Thousands of demonstrators gather at the Jungfernstieg in Hamburg during one of many Global Climate Strikes in September. (Photo: Axel Heimken/Picture Alliance via Getty Images)

"This is a wake-up call to world leaders that they must take far more decisive action to tackle the climate emergency or risk betraying younger generations further."

As rights groups around the world marked Human Rights Day on Tuesday, Amnesty International released the results of a survey of 10,000 young adults regarding their top global concerns heading into a new decade, reporting that the climate crisis is what a majority of young people see as a major threat to their human rights.


Economy and Energy

This election is about the crisis of living standards and the climate and environmental emergency. Whether we are ready or not, we stand on the brink of unstoppable change.

Alex May
Extinction Rebellion - Bee Bus

Earlier this week, Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists protested against the Labour party by blocking the party’s battle bus. This latest action follows the protests – including hunger strikes – which have been taking place at Labour’s headquarters.

Michael McGowan

Buildings evacuated as fire alarms triggered and ferry fleet grounded

Dec. 10, 2019

Sydney disappeared behind a thick layer of bushfire smoke that blanketed the city and pushed air quality 11 times higher than considered “hazardous” on Tuesday, while Australia’s weary firefighters faced what authorities warned were the potentially “lethal” combination of high temperatures and heavy winds.

Neal E Robbins
St Mark’s square in Venice on 13 November 2019. Photograph: Marco Bertorello/AFP via Getty Images

Sea level rise, erosion and cruise ships are worsening Venice’s flood problem. But corruption nearly scuppered the solution.

Dec. 10, 2019

Jon Queally
Demonstrators from several environmental groups including Extinction Rebellion and Sunrise Movement demand broad action at a youth-led climate strike near City Hall on December 6, 2019 in New York City. Hundreds attended the strike, the latest in a series of school walk-outs dubbed "Fridays For Future." (Photo: Scott Heins/Getty Images)

As sit-ins targeted establishment Democrats nationwide to demand the Green New Deal, Sanders stood with climate campaigners in Iowa on Friday and applauded striking youth worldwide who are saying: "Hey, we want a planet that we can grow up in and have kids in that is healthy and inhabitable."

As Sen. Bernie Sanders stood with activists striking for climate in Iowa on Friday morning, the act of solidarity was repaid in kind later in the day as key leaders of the youth-led movement in the U.S. officially endorsed the Vermont senator's 2020 presidential bid.


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