
Jonathan Blitzer

   Photography by  (see original for photos)

   April 3, 2019

Piero Bevilacqua, Sharon Lerner, ITUC
Fridays for future

Student Strikes for Climate Justice

ENVIRONMENT  •  March 27, 2019

Tracy Loew

Two Oregon lawmakers want to protect public drinking water sources by banning clear-cuts, pesticide and fertilizer applications, and new logging roads on private forestland in those watersheds.

The aim is to prevent disasters such as last year’s Detroit Lake algae bloom, which shut down drinking water supplies in the state Capital for more than a month.

Author: and The Leap

Editor: Both of these works are interesting discussions of extending some of the ideas of the Green New Deal to the Canadian context.

Watch "What can a Green New Deal look like for Canada?" here.


And here is the link to the podcast described below:

February 12 2019:

Richard Greeman
As Macron Prepares New Repressive Measures Yellow Vests and Red Unions Strike Together
On Tuesday, February 5, as the Macron government pushed harsh repressive laws against demonstrators through the National Assembly, the Yellow Vests joined with France’s unions for the first time in a day-long, nation-wide “General Strike.”
Kate Aronoff, Alyssa Battistoni, Daniel Aldana Cohen, and Thea Riofrancos
 A Green New Deal that is big and bold enough could end the arbitrary power of the few over the many. Photograph: KeystoneUSA-ZUM/Rex Shutterstock

Franklin Delano Roosevelt sought to redefine freedom in the face of war. The Green New Deal imagines goals for a colorful democracy

One of the biggest challenges of climate politics is that the solutions seem scarier than the problem. We worry that to truly decarbonize, we’d need an authoritarian government or endless austerity. But a big and bold enough Green New Deal could finally make us truly free.

First Assembly of Assemblies of the Yellow Vests
Representatives of the Yellow Vests taking part in a citizens' debate Jan. 26 2019 France
French General Strike Feb. 5?

Call from the First Assembly of Assemblies of the Yellow Vests

We, the Yellow Vests of the roundabouts, of the parking lots, of the squares, of the assemblies, rallies and demonstrations, have gathered on January 26 and 27, 2019, as an "Assembly of Assemblies," bringing together a hundred delegations, in response to a call by the Yellow Vests of Commercy.

Richard Greeman
Seasons Greetings from France’s Yellow Vests: “We Are Not Tired” - “Inform yourselves by Internet. 98% media owned by billionaires.”

January 2, 2019 

Is the Yellow Vest (Gilets Jaunes) rebellion, now in its seventh week, “petering out?” Such was the near-unanimous pronouncement of the mainstream media, when I returned home to Montpellier, France, eager to participate and to observe first-hand this popular insurrection which I had been afraid of missing.


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