
Walden Bello

Faced with the greatest threat to our planet, we cannot afford a bad deal, and we say, with the rest of humanity, “No deal is better than a bad deal.” And even if an acceptable deal is reached, it will provide only a temporary solution to the climate crisis. A permanent solution lies in the world’s turning away from capitalism, a mode of production that insatiably and incessantly transforms living nature into dead commodities, creates destabilizing growth, and promotes over-consumption.

John Bellamy Foster

Marxism and "System Change Not Climate Change"

Michael A. Lebowitz

There’s an old argument that common property inevitably leads to exhaustion of resources.

Charles Mandel
Syrian refugees. National Observer file photo

If climate change is not brought under control, the world will face more humanitarian crises such as the one unfolding in Syria, one of the world's most prominent security experts warned.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director John Brennan said in a speech Tuesday morning that climate change causing compromised access to food and water “greatly increases the prospect for famine and deadly epidemics.”

Alex Watt
Syria and climate conflict

The shocking photograph of Aylan Kurdi lying dead on a Turkey beach made many wake up to the horrifying reality of the crisis but, although most of us now know that millions of people have been displaced from their homes in the nation to escape civil war and persecution, there are many who may not actually understand what is happening over in Syria.

That’s why this helpful cartoon has been produced in an attempt to try and help people understand the situation in the country and how and why it has happened and escalated to such an extent.


The text of the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement was publicly released late last week, prompting intense scrutiny as stakeholders attempt to understand the deal’s implications, both for TPP countries themselves as well as for the global economy.

Nick Buxton

The military is not just a prolific user of oil, it is one of the central pillars of the global fossil-fuel economy. Today whether it is in the Middle East, the Gulf, or the Pacific, modern-day military deployment is about controlling oil-rich regions and defending the key shipping supply routes that carry half the world’s oil and sustain our consumer economy. 

Charles Mandel

“The TPP is an act of climate denial,” said Jason Kowalski, the U.S. policy director at

“It denies the scientific imperative to leave fossil fuels in the ground by granting corporations incredible powers over the sovereign right of countries to fight climate change on their own.”

At issue is the investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism included in the trade deal. ISDS’s allow foreign investors to use a secret tribunal to launch a lawsuit if they believe government actionsmight affect their future profits.

Blayne Haggart
Trade ministers from a dozen Pacific nations in Trans-Pacific Partnership Ministers meeting in Atlanta, Georgia October 1, 2015. (REUTERS)

Let’s be clear about the just-released, negotiated-in-secret Trans-Pacific Partnership deal. Despite how it’s being referred to by journalists, officialsand academics, as Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and economist Adam Hersh have noted, it is definitely not a “free-trade” agreement. It’s much more than that.

What are Dr. Stiglitz and others arguing, and why does it matter? Simply put, calling the TPP a free-trade agreement overplays its benefits, plays down its problematic aspects and fundamentally misunderstands what the deal is actually about.


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