Whatcom county’s council passed measure that bans new refineries, coal-fired power plants and other related infrastructure
A county in Washington state has become the first such jurisdiction in the US to ban new fossil fuel infrastructure, following a lengthy battle over the impact of oil refineries on the local community.
Was Annamie Paul’s plan to unite the far right and the Green Party? Because, incredibly, that seems to be what’s happening. And stranger still is how some self-professed progressives have let identity politics blind them to anti-Palestinian racism.
The past month has been a wake-up call for many Canadians as large parts of the country sweltered under an intense “heat dome” that is believed to have contributed to at least 719 sudden deaths in British Columbia.
Public opinion has been shaken by the ‘discovery’ of unmarked graves of children who died in residential schools. The word ‘discovery’ has to be placed in quotation marks because Indigenous communities have been saying for many years that terrible things happened at these places. The time has come to call this what it is – a genocide.
Gene McGuckin, Member of the Vancouver Ecosocialists
After the Heat Dome Killings, What Is to Be Done?
Thursday, July 22, 2021
I am speaking to you this evening from the traditional territories of the Quay Quayt and Kwikwetlem First Nations in a place otherwise known as New Westminster, BC.
[Editor: Saguenay, where this terminal is/was planned to be located, is 460 km NNE of Montreal and about 100 km west of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The federal review may still take place because the approach for this project is actually federal jurisdiction but it is unlikely any federal government would go against the province of QC.]