Climate Change

Juan Cole
Hawaii Governor David Ige signs a bill on June 8, 2015 calling for the state’s electricity sector to transition entirely to renewable energy in 30 years. (Governor of the State of Hawaii)

At the Asia Pacific Resilience Innovation Summit held in Honolulu, Hawaii, this week, Governor David Ige dropped a bombshell. His administration will not use natural gas to replace the state’s petroleum-fueled electricity plants, but will make a full-court press toward 100 percent renewables by 2045. Ige’s decisive and ambitious energy vision is making Hawaii into the world’s most important laboratory for humankind’s fight against climate change. He has, in addition, attracted an unlikely and enthusiastic partner in his embrace of green energy—the US military.


A call for mass action in Paris to  declare our determination to stop crimate climes and keep fossil fuels in the ground.


Jon Queally
Pictured: Activists under the banner of 'Ende Gelände' in Germany shut down RWE's lignite mining operation on August 16. "For more than 20 years," a new joint statement by world civil society leaders declares, "governments have been meeting, yet greenhouse gas emissions have not decreased and the climate keeps changing. The forces of inertia and obstruction prevail, even as scientific warnings become ever more dire." (Image: Wagner/with overlay)

With less than 100 days until high-level UN climate talks take place in Paris, key leaders from the global climate justice movement have come together with a joint statement that affirms their belief that only mass popular mobilizations across the planet demanding a drastic reckoning with the world's fossil fuel paradigm will suffice when it comes to confronting the increasingly dire and intertwined threats of neoliberal capitalism and planetary climate change.

Andre Picard

The Canadian Medical Association will divest its holdings in fossil-fuel companies, a move doctors hope will send a powerful symbolic message that climate change is an urgent health concern.

“Given the health impacts of fossil fuels, we have to take a stand,” Courtney Howard, a board member of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and a physician practising in Yellowknife, said in addressing the CMA’s general council meeting on Tuesday.

Juan Cole
International Islamic Climate Change Symposium

Attendees at the International Islamic Climate Change Symposium in Istanbul from 20 countries produced, and 60 of them signed, a declaration this week warning of the dangers of climate change and urging urgent action to curb carbon dioxide emissions.

But, I fear the press reporting on this meeting is exaggerating its significance.

Amir Khadir

Below is a translation from the August 20 edition of the Montreal-based newspaper, Le Devoir.


Canadian Press

EDMONTON - New research suggests that this week's restrictions on withdrawing water from the Athabasca River for oilsands use are a preview of what the industry will face under climate change.

Alberta's energy regulator has suspended a total of 73 temporary industry licences to take water from the Athabasca because of low flows.

A recent paper published in the journal Climate Change suggests such disruptions will become more common and increase by up to 40 per cent by mid-century.

Lee Loftus

The G7 nations have committed to eliminating the use of fossil fuels by 2100.

What Canada’s premiers said in July is wrong — there are simple answers to developing a national energy strategy — but what’s difficult is making tough decisions.

While the need for a Canadian energy strategy should be a key federal election issue for all political parties, it’s not just a national version that’s required.

Seth Klein


What’s that they say about the first casualty of war? You can obviously say the same for Canadian elections.

Carlito Pablo

Meteorologist Claire Martin has unleashed a storm of criticism a­gainst Tom Mulcair over the NDP leader’s open-ended stand on oil-pipeline expansion in the Vancouver area.

“I would call him flip-floppy at best,” the Green candidate in North Vancouver told the Georgia Straight in a phone interview.

According to the former CBC weather presenter, Mulcair hasn’t laid out a clear position regarding Kinder Morgan’s plan to triple the capacity of its existing pipeline.


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