Climate Change

Marc Lee

With the Paris climate conference only days away, a Canadian climate action strategy is now urgent and overdue. The CCPA’s Climate Justice Project has been researching climate solutions for the past seven years. We conclude that an aggressive approach to tacking carbon emissions can also be a good employment and industrial strategy for the nation – a green industrial revolution that can improve well-being for everyone in Canada.

Marc Lee

How times have changed in 2015. Just days away from the Paris climate conference, Prime Minister Trudeau met with the Premiers to talk about working together to make Canada a leader on climate. Compare this to PM Harper, who never met with the Premiers, championed the oil and gas industry, and if anything was a disruptive force in global climate negotiations. And leading the march to Paris?

Pascoe Sabido
In preparation for the Paris climate talks Philippines groups launch climate justice march. / AC Dimatatac under a Creative Commons Licence

The French government is trying to silence social movements, but we refuse to go quietly, says campaigner Pascoe Sabido.

In the days after the tragic events on 13 November in Paris, everything concerning the climate talks was in limbo. A state of emergency was called. Would the summit go ahead at all? What would it mean for the mass mobilizations being planned?

People's Climate Convergence
Vancouver Climate March posters

This Sunday, November 29, 2015

You belong here - find your spot!!

In the Global Climate March - Vancouver


CBC staff
Flame leaps from a wildfire on a mountainside near Oliver, B.C., in August 2015. Alain Bourque, a top climate change scientist, says warmer summers could mean more forest fires in Canada. (Jonathan Hayward/Canadian Press)

Canada's rate of warming is about twice the global rate, according to a climate change briefing presented to the country's premiers on Monday.

Barry Saxifrage
This year is burning up the record books.

It's a simple recipe. Take one stable climate. Pour in 62,000,000 kilograms of heat-trapping pollution. Repeat every minute of every day. Bake in rising temperatures. Now, after a several decades of pouring in over a trillion tonnes of climate pollution, we find ourselves seriously cooking in 2015.

Just how hot are we getting? Take a look at this impressive list of global all-time-hottest-ever-recorded records that have fallen in just the last twelve months:

Brad Hornick

Witness a real-time drama happening in Canada that is representative of the political absurdities unfolding in the Paris COP 21 process -- and that provides a stark example of establishment NGO politics versus the authentic climate justice movement.

Mike Hudema aligns Greenpeace Canada with the market-based NGOism of Forest Ethics to congratulate the fossil fuel enablers in the new NDP government of Premier Rachel Notely in Alberta. (See statements below, and Notely’s speech.)

Lawrence Torcello
Poor people are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as extreme weather and sea level rise, yet have contributed little to the causes. asiandevelopmentbank/flickr, CC BY-NC-ND

Much of the general public is well aware of scientists' recommendations on climate change. In particular, climate scientists and other academics say society needs to keep global temperatures to no more than two degrees Celsius below preindustrial levels to avoid the most dangerous effects of climate change.

But now more academics are weighing in on climate change: philosophers, ethicists, and social scientists among others.

Michael A. Lebowitz

There’s an old argument that common property inevitably leads to exhaustion of resources.

Peace Valley Landowner Assoc. []

From: Peace Valley Landowner Assoc. []
Sent: November 21, 2015 1:09 PM
Subject: Honouring Treaty Promises and Restoring Confidence in Federal Site C Decisions



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