
George Monbiot

19th October 2017

The Associated Press
A man walks in front of a group of people during heavy smog at a the Temple of Heaven park in Beijing in December 2016. A new report in the Lancet shows China had the second highest percentage of deaths linked to pollution worldwide. (Wang Zhao/AFP/Getty Images)

At least 9 million premature deaths were caused by diseases from toxic emissions

Posted: Oct 20, 2017 7:51 AM ET Last Updated: Oct 20, 2017 10:49 AM ET

Environmental pollution — from filthy air to contaminated water — is killing more people every year than all war and violence in the world. More than smoking, hunger or natural disasters. More than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined.

Kenneth Jackson
The AFN executive in a meeting with Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr, back to the camera with dark suit Sept. 28. Twitter photo

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) slammed the brakes on drafting legislative amendments on environmental and regulatory processes with the Trudeau government last month saying it had become strangers within the process.

Regional Chief Isadore Day said it was supposed to be a co-development of legislative changes but it became clear to him – and other regional chiefs – that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was moving ahead without them.

Shawn McCarthy

Published Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017 4:33PM EDT

Last updated Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017 4:33PM EDT

First Nations leaders have halted their collaboration with Liberal government on developing environmental legislation, arguing Ottawa is failing to make good on its vaunted commitments to work in partnership with Indigenous people.

Carolyn Jarvis & Andrew Russell

#11 of 11 articles from the Special Report:The Price of Oil

The Ontario government says it is committed to funding a health study to determine the impact of air pollution on residents living near Sarnia’s Chemical Valley following a Global News investigation that revealed a troubling pattern of potentially dangerous leaks there.


For Immediate Release - October 3, 2017

Numerous groups send strong message of support for Oil Tanker Moratorium Act

SMITHERS, BRITISH COLUMBIA – Today a broad range of groups including northerners, Indigenous organizations, local governments, labour unions and environmental groups, are sending a strong message of support for Bill C-48, the Oil Tanker Moratorium Act.

David Suzuki

What does climate change have to do with economic growth? Canada’s prime minister and premiers signed a deal in December to “grow our economy, reduce greenhouse-gas [GHG] emissions, and build resilience to the impacts of a changing climate”. The Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change outlines plans for carbon pricing, energy-efficient building codes, electric-vehicle charging stations, methane-emission regulations, and more.

Drew Hansen

[ Editor: The diagnosis is powerful, but the cure that's offered surely completely inadequate!]

Capitalism has generated massive wealth for some, but it’s devastated the planet and has failed to improve human well-being at scale.

• Species are going extinct at a rate 1,000 times faster than that of the natural rate over the previous 65 million years (see Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School).


Between 1872 and 1882, Frederick Engels worked on a book titled “The Dialectics of Nature” that sought to apply Marxist dialectics to the natural world.


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