
Steve Trent
Chinese trawler in India. Photo: Mike Finn (CC BY 2.0)

July 14, 2021

For every day that passes without an agreement to end subsidies that drive overfishing, fish populations shrink, coastal communities lose vital livelihoods and food security, and the ocean suffers.

Marc Fawcett-Atkinson
Commercial salmon fishing — once the cultural and economic backbone of coastal B.C. — will be significantly diminished to protect the salmon, the federal government announced Tuesday. Photo by Marc Fawcett-Atkinson

June 29th 2021

Commercial salmon fishing will be closed in most of coastal B.C. this year and into the foreseeable future to save the West Coast's critically low fish stocks, the federal government announced Tuesday.

Stefan Labbé
 Coquitlam Reservoir supplies up to 40 per cent of Metro Vancouver's water — in the coming decades that's expected to double. (via UVIC Environmental Law Centre)

May 15, 2021

Metro Vancouver has banked at least 60% of the region's future water supply on the Coquitlam Reservoir. But as it moves to secure municipal water for the next half-century, the fate of an Indigenous community and the river they live on is at stake.

On a recent sunlit afternoon, Heidi Walsh stepped onto the observation deck of a century-old concrete tower overlooking 600 square kilometres of mountain forest. 

Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership
Migratory birds - C. M. Burge / Getty Images

Mar 24, 2021

From the air, California’s Central Valley looks like an enormous patchwork quilt, squares of green and gold fields stitched together by grey threads of roads and highways. This region is known as “the breadbasket of the world.” The rich alluvial soil produces a quarter of the nation’s food. Close to 20% of all the rice grown in the U.S. comes from here.

Brendan Kergin
Sockeye salmon spawning in the Fraser River. UBC researchers are finding female salmon are dying at a higher rate than male salmon.Getty Images

Mar. 24, 2021

Researchers looked at the sockeye in the Fraser River

Historically, female sockeye salmon have outnumbered male salmon when they reach their spawning grounds, but UBC research is showing that's no longer the case in the Fraser River.

The Energy Mix
R. Curry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/Science/USGCRP

FEBRUARY 28, 2021

Evidence is growing that a critical part of the Atlantic Ocean’s circulation system is weaker than it’s been in 1,000 years, a climate-driven change that could someday have a major impact on both the European climate and the fishing economies of the U.S. East Coast.


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