
Ashley Braun, originally published by Hakai Magazine
On Calvert Island, British Columbia, the subtle rock line of an extant clam garden is a reminder of how Indigenous peoples turned the sea into a shellfish garden. Photo courtesy of the Hakai Institute

July 20, 2022

By focusing on reciprocity and the common good—both for the community and the environment—sea gardening created bountiful food without putting populations at risk of collapse.

Michelle Gamage
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans is renewing 79 salmon farm licences, but these licences will expire in two years. That’s enough time for companies to grow the fish that are already in the pens but won’t allow them to restock, says marine biologist Alexandra Morton. Photo by Fernando Lessa.

Jun 24, 2022

The federal government has signalled it will be winding down British Columbia’s open-net pen salmon aquaculture industry — but conservationists worry the slow rollout could still have disastrous results on wild fish. And some say a several-year-long phase out could spell the extinction of certain Pacific salmon species.

Amanda Follett Hosgood
Vopak Canada has a 30 per cent stake in a propane export facility on Ridley Island and has won BC government approval for another project. Photo via Prince Rupert Port Authority.

Apr. 26, 2022

Ministers responsible for energy and environment refer First Nations’ concerns to industry, feds.

The province has approved a fossil fuel storage and shipping facility on B.C.’s north coast despite opposition from First Nations and the potential for “significant” adverse effects in the event of a spill.

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change announced the decision last week to grant an environmental assessment certificate to Vopak Development Canada Inc., a subsidiary of the Netherlands-based Royal Vopak.

Protect the Planet/Stop TMX
Climate Crime Scene
For Immediate Release Feb. 1, 2022
Conflict of interest: CER overrules concerns about Fraser River re-drilling by Trans Mountain
Natasha Bulowski
Deep-sea mining projects could start in international waters within the next two years despite a dearth of research on how it will affect critical marine ecosystems. Image courtesy of NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration

Jan. 24, 2022

Environmental groups want the Canadian government to call for a moratorium on deep-sea mining, joining countries like Chile and the EU Parliament.

Companies around the globe want to mine metals such as cobalt, manganese, nickel, and copper deep on the ocean floor, but hundreds of scientists warn the area is under-researched and its impacts on delicate ocean ecosystems could be devastating.

Boundary Bay Conservation Committee
Why care if species go extinct?

Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project - (



The Port of Vancouver is planning to dredge and fill the Fraser River Estuary, Delta, B.C. to build a massive man-made island the size of 250 football fields for a new Container Terminal with 3 new berths.


Primary Author: Clifford Maynes @CJMaynes
pipeline construction - Jay Phagan/Flickr

Jan. 6, 2022

The federal Crown corporation building the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion has been handed a seven-day deadline to answer tough questions about soil stability, drilling method, and environmental impacts after proposing to redrill and reroute part of a 1.5-kilometre tunnel beneath the Fraser River, an iconic salmon-bearing waterway near the Lower Mainland population centre of Coquitlam.

Rochelle Baker
Federal Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray is cutting the commercial herring fishing allocation to 10 per cent, down from 20 per cent last year, to protect the valuable forage fish and threatened salmon. Photo courtesy of Fisheries Ministry

Dec. 16, 2021

In her first major decision, new federal Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray has reduced the West Coast commercial herring fishery by half.

Wading into the thick of fish politics Thursday, Murray said the decision is based on an abundance of caution given herring are a critical food for endangered salmon stocks — further jeopardized by the double whammy of fire and floods in B.C. this year.


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