Vijay Prashad
Members of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and their supporters opposed to the Dakota Access Pipeline protesting at the site of construction near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, U.S., on September 3. Photo:Robyn Beck/AFP

Native Americans protesting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, a multibillion venture by a corporation to carry crude and natural gas across four States that has dangerous environmental implications, face brutal state violence. But they are determined to fight on. By VIJAY PRASHAD

Jeremy Symons

[Update 11/10/16: A post-election org chart of the Trump transition team, provided to Politico, confirms that Myron Ebell is leading the EPA transition.]

Sarah Anderson, Josh Hoxie

Voters in many states, including red ones, approved proposals that will reduce our economic divide.

The electoral college has spoken, and the White House as well as Congress are firmly in the hands of the Republican Party, with Donald Trump at their helm.


The measure was unpopular with social justice groups and divided environmental activists, many arguing it did not go far enough in promoting clean energy.

NOV 9, 2016 - Initiative 732 in Washington was a landmark attempt to address climate change and was expected to raise $2 billion annually through higher prices for gasoline and fossil fuel-fired electricity. But it deeply divided environmentalists and made groups like Sierra Club aligned with the fossil fuel industry that also opposed the measure. 

David P. Ball
 A woman wears a placard denouncing the Dakota Access Pipeline through North Dakota at a demonstration at Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain station on Saturday. David P. Ball

Rally at SkyTrain station joined anti-Dakota Access Pipeline protests across Canada this weekend. Other locals journeyed to the North Dakota frontline.

Several British Columbians have made a pilgrimage to join the Standing Rock Sioux people’s standoff over a controversial oil pipeline.

One of them, Vancouver Anglican priest Laurel Dykstra, has been near Cannonball, North Dakota since last Wednesday and participated in a prayer event with more than 500 interfaith clergy in support of the Sioux.

The Associated Press
This image made from video provided by KFOR-TV shows damage on a street in Cushing, Okla., after an earthquake on Sunday. The magnitude 5.0 temblor caused damage to the prairie town and raised fears given nearby oil production facilities. (KFOR-TV via The Associated Press)

No adverse reports from pipeline companies but town of Cushing suffers 'quite a bit of damage'


A sharp earthquake centred near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Jorge Barrera
Standing Ranch North Dakota

At least 13 demonstrators from Canada, including five from British Columbia, have so far been arrested for “illegal protest activity” related to a Native American-led movement aimed at stopping construction of a pipeline through North Dakota, according to statistics released by the Morton County Sherriff’s Department.

A total of 438 people have been arrested since August in relation to the ongoing movement against the Dakota Access Pipeline LLC construction in North Dakota, according to the Sheriff’s Department.

Michael Riordan
Oil tankers in Samish Bay near the San Juan Islands in 2014 (ERIKA SCHULTZ/THE SEATTLE TIMES)

A tanker spill of diluted bitumen from Canada’s oils sands could trigger an ecological catastrophe for the Salish Sea. The oil would impact crab, rockfish and other bottom dwellers — as well as salmon and orca whales.


Gary Mason

U.S. President Barack Obama said this week the federal government is considering rerouting the controversial Dakota Access pipeline. This is big news.

The nearly $4-billion (U.S.) project has been enveloped by a protest that looks and feels a lot like the civil rights movement of the 1960s. At the centre of the demonstrations are the Standing Rock Sioux, whose ancestral territory the pipeline crosses. They have been joined by activists from around the United States.

Jay Reeves, Jeff Martin & National Observer
A deadly explosion on a gasoline pipeline, owned in part by the Quebec pension fund, has rocked Northern Alabama. Photo by the Associated Press.

One worker is dead and five others injured following an explosion on a major pipeline in Alabama.


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