
David Climenhaga
Sunset over an oilfield (Photo: Arne Hückelheim, Creative Commons).

Dec. 17, 2020

Word about solid-state batteries out of Toyota City last week created a buzz in the automotive press and got some headlines on social media, but I doubt very many people out here in Wild Rose Country paid much attention. 

They probably should’ve.

Damian Carrington

Climate striker speaks before UN event marking five years since the Paris accord

Bay of Quinte Green Party of Ontario

Dec 6, 2020

For the launch of the Bay of Quinte Green Party of Ontario Speaker Series we were so happy to have as our Inaugural guest speaker Dimitri Lascaris. He spoke on Fiscal Conservatism and how it is failing us in the fight against this pandemic and climate change.

Dimitri starts speaking about 7 minutes into the recording. 

Here is the video link:

Sandra Laville
The Toronto skyline from Ward's Island. Production of concrete, metal, plastic, bricks and asphalt is greater than the mass of living matter on the planet, new research says. Photo by Caio Silva via Unsplash
Michael Lowy

Abstract: The capitalist system, driven at its core by the maximization of profit, regardless of social and ecological costs, is incompatible with a just and sustainable future. Ecosocialism offers a radical alternative that puts social and ecological well-being first.

Amrit Dhillon in Delhi and Hannah Ellis-Petersen
Protesting farmers listen to a speaker at the Delhi-Haryana state border in Singhu . Photograph: Prakash Singh/AFP/Getty Images

Dec. 11, 2020

Digging in: on the frontlines as farmers lay siege to Delhi

hen the sacks were ripped opened, almonds poured out, more than 10,000kg of them. It was not the first donation that had been sent to the Indian farmers defiantly camped out along the periphery of Delhi. In previous days trucks had rolled up and disgorged sacks of rice, pulses, flour, vegetables, sugar, tea and biscuits.


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