Global methane emissions from the energy sector are about 70 per cent higher than reported by official data, according to new analysis from the International Energy Agency (IEA).
A retired developer says the goal of the property industry is to complete new housing supply when it can maximize profits.
“The real-estate development business is very much about market timing,” said Arny Wise, who spent his career planning and developing scores of housing projects in Toronto and Vancouver.
One campaigner called on Canada's government to instead "put all of our energy and political will into a just transition that leaves fossil fuels in the ground and supports people, communities, and workers."
Climate activists on Friday renewed calls for canceling the expansion of the Trans Mountain oil pipeline after the Canadian government responded to the project's soaring cost by pledging not to put any more public money into it.
Before Mohandas K. Gandhi was sentenced to prison in 1922 for three articles published in Young India, he delivered a speech that went down in history.
"In my opinion, non-co-operation with evil is as much a duty as is co-operation with good," Gandhi told court. "But in the past, non-co-operation has been deliberately expressed in violence to the evil-doer.
[I can't help wondering if this is a maneuver to rush indigenous investor groups into the "partnership"-- groups that Trudeau and Freeland will be happy to lend money to.
"It may all be true, of course. But it would be nice to see more evidence than a handful of photos and written statements from the RCMP, the solicitor general, and Coastal GasLink. " [See Update below]
Feb. 17, 2022
Today, the B.C. RCMP issued a statement that has drawn a great deal of media attention. And understandably so.
The highest donation to the cause was made by a gun range in Langley
A recent data hack has shown some substantial donations made to the Freedom Convoy currently occupying Ottawa’s streets come from people located within Metro Vancouver.