
Brad Hornick
Trudeau in Paris

The fresh new face Canada showed the world at the Paris COP21 climate meetings held out hope for many Canadian climate activists that a national course change was in the works.

In its less than a decade in power, the Harper government extinguished multiple important Canadian environmental laws, muzzled climate scientists, harassed environmental NGOs, created "anti-terrorism" legislation that targets First Nations and other pipeline activists, and generally introduced regressive and reactionary social policy while promoting Canada as the world's new petro-state.

EarthRights International

For Immediate Release

Tuesday, October 4, 2016 - 3:15pm
EarthRights International

Valentina Stackl (USA),

Bob Weber

EDMONTON — First Nations and environmental groups want the federal government to revisit its approval of British Columbia’s Site C dam which they worry would threaten a national park that is a World Heritage Site.

Groups including the Mikisew Cree and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society say the risk to Alberta’s Wood Buffalo National Park from the dam and upstream oilsands development is so dire that they will ask UNESCO investigators to put the area on its list of threatened sites.

Chantal Hébert
Justin Trudeau Sept. 2016 The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright

Trudeau spent the last campaign talking about righting the environment/energy balance. Based on the LNG decision, equilibrium between Canada's contribution to the mitigation of climate change and its energy ambitions remains as elusive as ever.

PUBLISHED : Monday, Oct. 3, 2016 12:00 AM

MONTREAL—As Liberal leader and subsequently as prime minister, Justin Trudeau has talked in the abstract of the need to secure a social licence prior to undertaking any major energy project. Until this week, no one was sure what he actually meant by that.

Hilary Beaumont
Yes, that's salmon trying to punch Daddy Canada in the face. Photo via Facebook.

September 29, 2016

Yes, that's salmon trying to punch Daddy Canada in the face. Photo via Facebook.

A group of First Nations plans to launch a slew of legal challenges against the federal government over its approval of the Petronas liquefied natural gas (LNG) project near Prince Rupert, BC.

Jason Markusoff and Martin Patriquin

New oil sands pipelines may be vital for the industry, but opponents are winning

September 29, 2016

Chelsea Vowel

In approving a natural gas pipeline project in British Columbia, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says the project is “consistent with the government’s reconciliation agenda” with Indigenous Peoples. 

Despite this claim, her government’s work on this file has been a travesty. It is clear that reconciliation as understood by the federal government is much more about “the economy” than building real relationships with Indigenous Peoples. 

Perry Bellegarde
This area of the Peace River will be flooded when the Site C Hydro electric dam is built. "Proceeding with this project without proper consultation and the free, prior and informed consent of First Nations is neither consistent with Canada’s own Constitution nor Canada’s human rights obligations under the declaration and elsewhere," writes Perry Bellegarde.  (RICHARD LAUTENS / TORONTO STAR) | ORDER THIS PHOTO

Canada says it supports the UN declaration on indigenous rights but fails to consult First Nations people on issues that impact their lives

Sept. 28, 2016
Derrick O'Keefe
Lelu Island

Massive Petronas export development threatens crucial salmon habitat

SEPTEMBER 27, 2016

Just a day after royals William and Kate visited and trumpeted new protections for the Great Bear Rainforest in B.C., the federal government has announced it’s giving the greenlight to a controversial fossil fuel mega-project that threatens both an ecologically sensitive stretch of the Pacific coast and any chance Canada has of meeting its international climate commitments under the Paris Agreement.


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