In July and August 2016, the TMX Ministerial Panel will hold a series of roundtable and town hall meetings along the TMX pipeline and marine corridors in Alberta and BC.
The Panel will listen to local communities, stakeholders, and Indigenous groups, and identify additional views that could be relevant to the Government’s final decision on the project.
Updates posted as available, check here regularly for the latest information.
For more than 5,000 years, First Nations people have collected plants and harvested red cedar on Lelu Island, which sits where the Skeena River meets the Pacific Ocean near Prince Rupert in northern British Columbia.
OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won’t say when his government will fulfill a campaign promise to “formalize” an oil tanker ban for the northern B.C. coast.
“We’re working every day on getting both the environment and the economy protected right across the country,” Trudeau said in a recent interview when asked when he will fulfill that high-profile pledge.
Major energy distributors and consumers in Ontario and Quebec expect to spend more than $1-billion over four years on California greenhouse gas emission allowances. Without agreement with the United States, however, those international emission credits cannot be counted as part of Canada’s international commitment to reduce greenhouse gases.
OTTAWA, June 16, 2016 /CNW/ - With the official review of the Energy East pipeline launching today, a large cross section of community and environmental organizations representing hundreds of thousands of Canadians said if the National Energy Board's revised review process, which is already beleaguered with problems, is credible it will show there is no social license for Energy East and the pipeline can't and won't be built.
CALGARY, June 16, 2016 /CNW/ - The National Energy Board (NEB) is starting the clock on one of the most innovative hearings in the NEB's history. The NEB's review of the Energy East Pipeline Project will include opportunities for the general public to provide their input and for hearing participants to orally question the applicants. There will also be an assessment of upstream greenhouse gas emissions. This review starts today.
Doug McCorquodale is a thirty five year member, activist and official with unions in mining and construction. June 10, 2016 - The Leap Manifesto has caused quite a stir on the Left and the Right. Tens of thousands have signed on as supporters. The right wing press, the one per centers and rightist minions of the “free” market economy often viciously denigrate the Leap Manifesto.
The Kanesatake Mohawks are challenging the Energy East pipeline application, claiming it’s incomplete because it doesn’t address potential environmental risks the structure would pose as it crosses the Ottawa River.
If regulators accept the application as complete, it would be “the height of irresponsibility,” according to a legal letter filed Monday by the Mohawks’ lawyer to the National Energy Board.