
David Bush and Doug Nesbitt

So there we have it. Harper is gone. The Liberals surged from third place to win in this marathon election. The NDP, which was leading in the polls in August, slowly lost steam after they promised to prioritize balancing the budget and refusing to tax the rich. Ever the opportunists, the Liberals seized on this opening and ran a campaign that rode of a wave popular discontent with the Harper government, drilled home the message that they would tax the rich and spend money on infrastructure to pull the economy out of recession.


[Website editor's note: See the cautionary book review about such schemes that follows.]

Startups have figured out how to remove carbon from the air. Will anyone pay them to do it? 

Three startups, Carbon Engineering, Global Thermostat and Climeworks, are making strides with technology that can directly remove carbon dioxide from the air. What they need now is a viable business model

Jordan Press

OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau’s national campaign co-chair is stepping down after he sent a detailed email to people behind the Energy East pipeline with advice on how and when to lobby a new government — including a Liberal minority.

Earlier in the day the Liberals stood by Dan Gagnier, saying he did not break any ethical standards. But in a statement later Wednesday, Gagnier said he didn’t want to be a distraction to the campaign.

“I deeply regret that the campaign has been affected by these negative, personal attacks,” the statement reads.

Yukon First Nations

WHITEHORSE, Oct. 14, 2015 /CNW/ - This morning Self-Governing Yukon First Nations filed a Petition for the Yukon Supreme Court to declare Bill S-6 amendments to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA) invalid.

"Our Petition states that the amendments through Bill S-6 undermine or weaken Yukon's development assessment process and our role as Yukon First Nation governments," said Chief Carl Sidney of Teslin Tlingit Council. "Therefore, they are a clear breach of our Final Agreements."


Over the last week, hundreds of people have told us that they’re planning to risk arrest this November at the the Climate Welcome Action. I’ve been moved by the courage of these people and their stories.

Here are some of the reasons that people across the country are mobilizing to the reasons that have motivated them to risk arrest outside the Prime Minister’s residence in less than a month:

“I am a mother to a small child and I owe it to him to fix the mistakes that we've made.”- Katrina - Nanaimo, BC


At the beginning of the federal election campaign, Toronto Centre NDP candidate and respected author Linda McQuaig stated a simple fact: “a lot of people recognize that a lot of the oil sands oil may need to stay in the ground if we're going to meet our climate change targets.” This sparked a corporate media backlash, accusing her of being ideologically-driven,
anti-Alberta and anti-jobs.


Environmental Defence and Équiterre have launched an updated comparison looking at the federal parties’ main climate policies. Only six weeks after Canada’s federal election, national governments will gather in Paris for United Nations talks to finalize a global climate change agreement. Recent polls show that Canadians are looking for greater leadership from the federal government on climate change.

Brent Jang

[Website editor's note: Two articles, published Sept 30 and Oct 1, 2015,  on the proposed Energy East tar sands pipeline and the proposed gas pipeline and LNG plant in BC] 

Native leaders divided on oil-sands pipelines 

Two groups of First Nations have issued duelling statements on where aboriginal people stand on oil-sands pipelines, highlighting opposing native viewpoints toward the energy industry.

Barrie McKenna

[Website editor's note: Another notable statement by an establishment figure.]


Mark Carney was speaking in Britain to an audience of insurance executives, but he might as well have been talking to oil workers in Fort McMurray, Alta., their bosses in Calgary or bankers on Bay Street.

Think of it as a sobering climate-change wake-up call for Canadians.

Mychaylo Prystupa
Eight First Nations announce their federal legal challenge to the Northern Gateway pipeline at a Vancouver press conference. Photo by Mychaylo Prystupa.

The Harper government’s already strained relationship with First Nations that oppose oil sands pipelines is being put on trial this week.

Eight B.C. First Nations are in federal court to launch a legal attack on the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline. The coalition hopes to overturn Ottawa’s conditional approval of the project, which would deliver Alberta crude to B.C.’s north coast.


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