Emissions of a potent greenhouse gas from Canada's oilpatch are nearly twice as high as previously thought, says newly published federal research.
The findings on methane from Environment Canada researchers could complicate regulatory attempts to nearly halve releases over the next five years, says an environmental group.
"That target will not be met unless the regulations are significantly strengthened," said Dale Marshall of Environmental Defence.
Global developments suggest a Canadian migration to a green economy is critical to competitiveness. However, if one tries to find Canadian clean tech manufacturing/innovation companies listed on a stock market, one will likely come up with nearly zero, while the number of Canadian-based oil and gas firms offering stocks is seemingly infinite.
Two socially distanced Greenpeace activists sped remote-controlled toy cars under the gates of Downing Street towards Boris Johnson’s front door with a message: we’ll lose the race against the climate crisis unless the government phases out new fossil-fueled cars and vans by 2030.
The disheartening spectacle occurring south of the border (and I am not talking about the careful ballot counting) announces a betrayal of America by its elites combined with a profound denial of reality during the twilight of an empire.
On one side of the Great Divide stand the professional class, or the so-called urban liberal elites. They include the Obamas, the Clintons and Joe Biden, a candidate so bereft of ideas it is shocking.