WRITING ABOUT “The Great Reset” is not easy. It has turned into a viral conspiracy theory purporting to expose something no one ever attempted to hide, most of which is not really happening anyway, some of which actually should.
It’s extra confusing for me to unpick this particular knot because at the center of it all is a bastardization of a concept I know a little something about: the shock doctrine.
This is the first in a series of posts that aim to describe and evaluate the World War II mobilization experience in the United States in order to illuminate some of the economic and political challenges we can expect to face as we work for a Green New Deal.
"In the linked document related to Denmark the country's prime minister, elected in June 2019 is quoted as saying, "If we succeed, it will be because we hurried." Sounds like a great motto for the movement."
International analyses suggest Canadian financiers are oiling the wheels of the fossil fuel industry at a far greater rate than their peers.
Bankers say they've made big strides in addressing climate change concerns and promise to reveal how dependent on carbon their portfolios are. They add the nature of Canada's resource-driven economy makes large investments in oil and gas all but inevitable.
An unprecedented climate lawsuit brought by six Portuguese youths is to be fast-tracked at Europe’s highest court, it was announced today.
The European Court of Human Rights said the case, which accuses 33 European nations of violating the applicants’ right to life by disregarding the climate emergency, would be granted priority status due to the “importance and urgency of the issues raised”.
We don’t know nearly enough about what the climate crisis will cost Canada — but what we do know is already troubling, and should inspire greater action.
That’s the conclusion from the first of several sweeping reports on the economic, social and environmental costs of climate change in Canada by the independent, publicly funded Canadian Institute for Climate Choices.
Broad-based citizen mobilization is essential to ensuring the implementation of emissions reduction measures are commensurate with the urgency of the crisis, says Bruce Campbell. Photo by Shutterstock
December 3rd 2020
With COVID-19 cases soaring in Canada and abroad, the immediacy of the pandemic is understandably sidelining public attention on the climate crisis barrelling down the tracks — with catastrophic effects if not reversed over the next 10 years.
Vegetables are becoming increasingly common in an unusual place: the grocery store meat aisle.
Sales of alternative, or plant-based, meats are booming worldwide. Driven by skyrocketing demand from consumers striving to cut back on meat and companies facing increasing pressure to reduce their environmental footprint, the market is anticipated to reach $23.1 billion by 2025.
Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is receiving mixed reviews for the green components of a Fall Economic Statement that includes $5,000 grants to help households fund energy retrofits, a $150-million boost for zero-emission vehicle infrastructure, nearly $4 billion over 10 years for a list of nature-based climate solutions, and a promise of permanent funding for public transit systems.
This post by campaigner and Engagement Organizing author Matt Price appeared on The Tyee last week. We’re republishing it in full with permission from both.