The Green Party of Canada reinstated leadership candidate Meryam Haddad on Thursday, two days after it kicked her out of the race for publicly criticizing the B.C. Greens.
The party declined to divulge details on why it originally expelled Haddad, a Montreal immigration lawyer who is running as a socialist, and why it accepted her appeal of the 11th-hour decision. Mail-in voting in the race to become the next leader of the federal Greens has already begun, and online voting will start Sept. 26.
B.C.'s top court rejects appeals of two protesters who were arrested after blockading Kinder Morgan's pipeline.
The B.C. Court of Appeal has rejected the appeals of two people who were arrested and convicted of criminal contempt of court for blocking Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project.
Student climate strikers will walk out of school or log off online classes across Canada on Friday hoping to pressure the Trudeau government to live up to its vague green promises.
VANCOUVER -- About two dozen climate activists have blocked a railway line in East Vancouver, while demanding an end to the controversial Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.
The protest was organized by Extinction Rebellion, the same group that shut down the Burrard Street Bridge last year and previously set up rail blockades in support of pipeline opponents from the Wet'suwet'en First Nation.
Convincing more people about the need for this, the need to mobilize for it (beyond petitions and other "pressuring" tactics), and the need for all of us to take an active part in ensuring democratic planning will more or less be the determinant of whether there is a future.