"Good news in the link below, but the name and nature of the union are not very clear in the article. It refers to Verdi, also referred to as "ver.di," short-form nicknames for Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (United Services Union) which represents public and private service workers in a huge variety of jobs. More Canadian unions have to get involved in this youth-led fight!" Gene McGuckin
"This is leadership. Who will follow? The world is watching," said 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg
More than 500 million people today live in areas affected by erosion linked to climate change, the UN warned on Thursday, before urging all countries to commit to sustainable land use to help limit greenhouse gas emissions before it is too late.
On July 11, 2019, Quebec's Superior Court rejected a class action lawsuit seeking federal action relating to climate change. The Court found that the questions raised by the plaintiff, Environnement Jeunesse, were justiciable but that a class action was not the right vehicle.
This article contains some rare information and analysis about U.S. unions' positions on the Green New Deal and the climate disruption crisis in general.
Published onTuesday, August 06, 2019 by TomDispatch
We live in a dystopian age. Governments have known since at least the mid-’90s about the potentially devastating impact of human-induced climate change. But for the most part they have either disputed and denied this, or pretended to be responding to scientists’ findings.
Despite overwhelming evidence that the world has already passed certain tipping points, setting off large and unpredictable changes in the climate, why are governments still refusing to act on the scale and pace required?
A major heat wave pushed melting into areas of the ice sheet that normally stay frozen year-round
Greenland is in the midst of one of its strongest melting events on record, as a major heat wave—the same one that scorched much of Europe last month—grips the Arctic.