Despite decades of promises to prevent a climate crisis, the primary cause of it — global fossil fuel burning — continues to increase rapidly. Last year's record-breaking burn was a doozy.
This morning Reclaim The Power activists marched through the City of London and occupied a power station site as part of an ongoing week of action linking up climate justice and migrants’ rights campaigns.
"Climate change represents not only the greatest threat to our species, but one of our greatest economic opportunities."
Senator and presidential-hopeful Kamala Harris and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have partnered to propose a bill that would target communities that are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
The Climate Equity Act would “ensure that the United States government makes communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis the foundation of policy related to climate and the environment.”
The end of pre-industrial climate — the baseline for assessing the extent of human-induced warming today — is not easy to pinpoint in time. Regardless, the past decades stand out from two millennia of climate fluctuations.