Climate Change

George Monbiot
 COP21 UN climate change conference in Paris. Whatever happens now, we will not be viewed kindly by succeeding generations. Photograph: Christophe Petit Tesson/EPA

Until governments undertake to keep fossil fuels in the ground, they will continue to undermine agreement they have just made

By comparison to what it could have been, it’s a miracle. By comparison to what it should have been, it’s a disaster.

Daniel Marans
James Hansen - Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Global leaders may be on the brink of approving a historic climate change agreement in Paris, but James Hansen, a former NASA scientist and pioneer of climate science, says it won’t matter.

Hansen told The Guardian that, absent a commitment to tax greenhouse gases, any accord is just a vehicle for empty promises.

Lawrence Carter and Maeve McClenaghan

Leading climate sceptic who will testify at Ted Cruz senate hearing today agrees to write pro-fossil fuel paper secretly funded by oil company

A Greenpeace undercover investigation has exposed how fossil fuel companies can secretly pay academics at leading American universities to write research that sows doubt about climate science and promotes the companies’ commercial interests.

Laura Cameron, Sam Quigley - richochet media
Photo: Emma Cassidy, Survival Media Agency

On Sunday, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna announced that Canada would support over 50 small island states and vulnerable nations calling for a new limit of 1.5C of warming to be enshrined in the Paris climate agreement.

Laura Cameron, Sam Quigley
Photo: Emma Cassidy, Survival Media Agency

If the Liberals are serious about their “ambitious” climate goals, Energy East is dead.

On Sunday, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna announced that Canada would support over 50 small island states and vulnerable nations calling for a new limit of 1.5C of warming to be enshrined in the Paris climate agreement.

Thin Red Line YVR happening tomorrow - please come and hold the line with us!! Vancouver Art Gallery 11:30 Saturday Dec 12 Saturday
In solidarity with Paris and all Earth Protectors! heart emoticon
Red Line
The line has been drawn.......we MUST hold THAT line!!!
Vancouver Art Gallery Sat Dec 12 - 11:30 am
Please come out and hold THE LINE with us as we stand in solidarity with over 400 cities having actions!!
Canadian Youth Delegation

Highlights from Thursday, December 10 - COP21 in Paris

• New Text Released!
• Atiya f*%king lays it down in the Canadian Stakeholder Meeting
• Loss & Damage Media Availability
• “Canada Is Back!” … winning Fossil Awards

New Text = Same as the Old Text, Except Weaker

Mychaylo Prystupa
Fossil of the Day award was handed Thursday in Paris to a group of countries including Canada for not having more ambition towards 2020 targets. Photo by Mychaylo Prystupa.

Despite the Trudeau government shedding much of its tarnished reputation as a global climate negotiations laggard, Canada won its second "Fossil of the Day Award" at the COP21 Paris climate talks.

Global Climate March
D12 map of Paris


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