LNG - Fracking

Oliver Milman
A flare burns at Venture Global LNG in Cameron, Louisiana, in April 2022. Joe Biden’s administration has paused all pending LNG export permits until the impact of climate change can be included in approval criteria. Photograph: Martha Irvine/AP

Jan 26, 2024

Pause on pending export permits is hailed by environmental groups, and could imperil projects along Gulf of Mexico coast

Joe Biden’s administration has hit the brakes on the US’s surging exports of gas, effectively pausing a string of planned projects that have been decried by environmentalists as carbon “mega bombs” that risk pushing the world further towards climate breakdown.

The Breach
Screenshot Quebec’s playbook for beating Big Oil - Video

Jan 10 2024

Watch here:  https://youtu.be/48QpstQLv6Q


Dru Oja Jay: A few years ago, a movement with hundreds of thousands of participants achieved a stunning climate justice victory, one of the world’s biggest examples of leaving fossil fuels in the ground.

Primary Author: Christopher Bonasia
shipping LNG - Wikipedia
Jan. 23,2024
Ksi Lisims LNG, an Indigenous-owned floating gas liquefaction facility proposed in British Columbia, has secured a 20-year deal to sell some of its product to colossal fossil Shell, even as global LNG markets wither.
Pierre Chauvin
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Jan. 24, 2024

New database shows 12 fossil fuel companies employ ex-ministers, staff

It’s called the “revolving door” and it’s been a problem in B.C. for years, with corporations hiring former cabinet ministers and senior bureaucrats as lobbyists.

These government insiders go back to the same offices where they used to work, only now they’re paid to influence policy decisions in favour of industry. Thanks to a new database, this back-and-forth is now easier to track and quantify.

Lynda V. Mapes
An aerial view shows Puget Sound Energy’s Liquefied Natural Gas plant in Tacoma. (Joshua Bessex / joshua.bessex@gateline.com, 2018)

Jan. 24, 2024

Puget Sound Energy has canceled a controversial expansion of its liquefied natural gas plant in Tacoma.

The Puyallup Tribe of Indians and a coalition of community groups appealed permits for the project to the state Shoreline Hearings Board. The case had been scheduled for an April hearing, but rather than defend the project, PSE backed down.

Marc Lee
BC is still backing megaprojects like LNG Canada’s Kitimat plant that depend on more fracked gas. Photo via LNG Canada.

Jan. 24, 2024

Just as climate policies begin to work, the government is being pressured to gut them.

Tyne Logan
The Statue of Liberty was covered in haze and smoke caused by wildfires in Canada.(REUTERS: Amr Alfiky)

"When it comes to the impact on the climate, Dr Canadell says these fire emissions — though significant — are barely a blip on the radar compared with the decades of accumulated emissions caused by the fossil fuel industry."

Jan. 21, 2024

Just six days in to the northern hemisphere summer of 2023, the skyline in New York City was stained in a sepia smoke haze.

It was streaming from across the border, where, what became Canada's most widespread fires in history, were raging.

And the fires did not let up for months.


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