Protest - Revolt

Matthew Taylor
 Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, speaking at a Rising Up conference. Photograph: David Levene for the Guardian

Rowan Williams backs call for mass civil disobedience ‘to bypass the government’s inaction and defend life itself’

A new group of “concerned citizens” is planning a campaign of mass civil disobedience starting next month and promises it has hundreds of people – from teenagers to pensioners – ready to get arrested in an effort to draw attention to the unfolding climate emergency.

Michael Molitch-Hou
Members of XR deliver flowers, possibly reminiscent of a funeral bouquet, to Greenpeace staffers. (Photo: Courtesy of Jonny Pickup on Flickr.)
British environmental activist group says Greenpeace is not radical enough to meet the dire climate situation
Jessica Corbett
Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old activist from Sweden, addressed a crowd at what campaigners say was Finland's largest ever climate demonstration on Saturday. (Photo: Svante Thunberg/Twitter)

"The politics that's needed to prevent the climate catastrophe—it doesn't exist today," says Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old from Sweden. "We need to change the system."

[Editor: See more photos and videos at link]

George Monbiot
Rebelling Against Extinction- The Guardian Oct.18, 2018

When governments abandon us, we must step up

[Our politicians, under the influence of big business, have failed us. As they take the planet to the brink, it’s time for disruptive, nonviolent disobedience - Guardian headline]

published in the Guardian 18th October 2018

Madeline ffitch
Theresa Minor Terry in a tree-sit on her family's land. Heather Rousseau/The Roanoke Times via AP

From Appalachia to Louisiana, mostly ignored by the media, activists have been putting themselves in the path of bulldozers.

“What Do I Need to Know?”

Seamus McGraw
Valve turners Annette Klapstein and Emily Johnston were acquitted on Tuesday without using the necessity defense to justify their actions against climate change. Photo credit: Emily Johnston via Twitter

It ended almost as soon as it began.

In a stunning ruling that came just minutes after the jury was seated in the so-called valve turners trial in Clearfield County, Minn., the judge ruled that prosecutors had failed to meet their burden of proof that a group of activists had damaged a tar sands pipeline when they trespassed on private property to shut down the pipeline.

Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta

Oct 4, 2018 - I'd like to state for the record and in the name of accuracy that i too received late disclosure and that I informed the crown rep this morning that contrary to the affidavit of my arresting officer, I was not obstructing the gate.  In fact, video footage shows that I was well to the side.

That said,


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