Industry Spin

Lilah Burke
New York Stock Exchange - Photo: Wagner T. Cassimiro (CC BY 2.0

July 12, 2021 

Credit-rating agencies say they can discipline companies that behave badly, and they have in some cases, but research reveals negligible progress.

Can the financial industry help rein in environmentally destructive corporations? That’s what the industry’s statements might have you believe.

The Energy Mix
Soil farm - Max Pixels

July 11, 2021

With the United States moving swiftly to fund credits for farmers who store carbon in their soil, there’s growing concern that the program may pay for carbon storage that is already happening—and give fossil companies and other major emitters a free pass to keep polluting.

Peter Ewart

Every year, much of North America and the world is drenched in the weedkiller glyphosate (the key ingredient in Roundup).  Is this safe?  Or are we living in a giant test tube? 

Since 1974, in the U.S., 1.8 million tons have been sprayed on crops, forests, road sides, waterways, golf courses, lawns and school grounds. Worldwide, 9.4 millions tons have been applied (1).  In British Columbia, hundreds of thousands of hectares of forests have been sprayed, with research showing that the residue can linger in some forest plants for up to 12 years (2).

Emma Jackson
Imperial Oil - Photo via Kurt Bauschardt.

Mar. 30, 2021

If we continue to equate carbon pricing with ambitious climate action, we’ll stay on track to sous vide the planet within a decade.

This past Thursday, Canada’s Supreme Court delivered a blow to Conservative premiers across the country, ruling that the federal government’s imposed carbon tax is constitutional. 

Bailout Watch
Oil workers faced tens of thousands of layoffs in 2020 while their employers raked in billions in pandemic-related tax benefits

Apr 02, 2021

Last year was $8.2 billion less painful for 77 big fossil fuel companies, thanks to a tax bailout provision in a big pandemic stimulus bill.

The tax-law change did little, however, for nearly 60,000 workers those companies fired, leaving them stretching the $1,200 checks they received under the same law. Individuals were not eligible for the CARES Act loophole, which allows big polluters to reduce past taxes owed based on their recent yearly losses.

Alexis Baden-Mayer

February 2, 2021

On January 27, 2021, President Joe Biden signed his “Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.” This historic action commited the U.S. to achieving “significant short-term global reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and net-zero global emissions by mid-century or before.”


Marc Fawcett-Atkinson
Only nine per cent of Canada's plastic waste is recycled. A new coalition of businesses, environmental organizations, and governments say that can change, but critics are doubtful. Photo by Greenpeace

January 28th 2021

Every year, Canadians create hundreds of thousands of tonnes of plastic waste, almost half of it from packaging. Despite Canadians' diligent efforts at curbside recycling, most of it ends up in landfills. That might be changing.


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