Climate Change

Guy McPherson
Guy McPherson

We’ve clearly triggered the types of positive feedbacks the United Nations warned about in 1990...The world is probably at the start of a runaway Greenhouse Event which will end most human life on Earth before 2040.” He considers only atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, not the many self-reinforcing feedback loops described below...more

Guy McPherson

This article a few months old, but very good and alarming. American actress Lily Tomlin is credited with the expression, “No matter how cynical you become, it’s never enough to keep up.” With respect to climate science, my own efforts to stay abreast are blown away every week by new data, models, and assessments. It seems no matter how dire the situation becomes, it only gets worse when I check the latest reports.

Robert Hunziker
The Inevitability of Radical Climate Change

Readers of this article will likely live to see climate change so disruptive and damaging that it will alter the Western world’s standard of living. In fact, the onset of radical climate change is already evident. It has already started. This article will examine the incipience of this far-reaching event, which will change the world forever. Radical climate change is already upon us, and it will only get worse, decade-by-decade, because world governments refuse to address the issue in a meaningful and corrective manner.

Fred Pearce
Warsaw climate talks

To a casual observer of the latest round of United Nations climate talks in Warsaw, Poland, last week, it was a battle between Polish coal miners determined to hang on to their jobs, and the people of the Philippines, who would rather not lose their lives to the tempests likely unleashed by climate change. In the corridors, the talks looked different: another stage in the agonisingly slow crawl towards a deal on carbon emission that diplomats hope to seal in 2015.

Andrew Nikiforuk

For the last 100 years we have used cheap fuels to multiply the number of energy slaves that do work for us. These inanimate slaves, from cars to iPods, have played a profound yet often unrecognized role in the transformation of human culture and gender roles. With the advent of extreme hydrocarbons, will North Americans willingly give up some of their energy slaves? And just what may the future look like in an energy constrained world?

Chris Williams
Warsaw demonstrators for climate justice

"The smell of inaction" is how Dipti Bhatnagar, Friends of the Earth Mozambique's international program director for climate justice and energy, summed up the atmosphere inside the giant Narodowy Stadium after the first week of the latest round of international climate negotiations, Conference of the Parties, otherwise known as COP 19, taking place Nov 11-22, 2013, in Warsaw.

Typhoon Haiyan

It’s been nearly two weeks since Typhoon Haiyan devastated a portion of the Philippines on November 8. A collection of islands in the south of the country that is populated by about four million people took a direct hit. The death toll now stands at more than 5,000. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their homes and their belongings. More disaster looms if emergency shelter, medical aid and food and water provision does not arrive quickly and in greater quantity.

Vaughn Palmer
Pacific Carbon Trust

By the time cabinet minister Bill Bennett stepped into the legislature press theatre Tuesday to announce the pending doom of the Pacific Carbon Trust, the agency was pretty much orphaned in terms of support. School districts had denounced it. The auditor general had exposed it. Media coverage - for instance Gordon Hoekstra's stories in The Vancouver Sun 19 months ago - had thoroughly discredited it. Jordan Bateman of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation was on the cost-cutter equivalent of a mission from God to get rid of it.

Kevin Anderson, Alice Bows-Larkin
Kevin Anderson & Alice Bows-Larkin

A pair of climate scientists are calling for what some may view as a shocking solution to the global warming crisis: a rethinking of the economic order in the United States and other industrialized nations. Kevin Anderson and Alice Bows-Larkin of the influential Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in England say many of the solutions proposed by world leaders to prevent "runaway global warming" will not be enough to address the scale of the crisis.


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