
Sarah Cox
Peace River bank undergoing Site C construction. Photo: Garth Lenz.

Former BC Hydro CEO Marc Eliesen says BC Hydro’s claim that a one-year delay in Site C dam construction will add $420 million to the project’s $8.8 billion cost is “effectively illusionary” and based on “fundamentally flawed” analysis.

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, Union of BC Indian Chiefs, Ana Simeon, Peace Valley campaigner, Warren Williams, president CUPE Local 15

For immediate release                                                                                                      

February 17, 2016


Site C Dam construction must be halted until B.C.’s Auditor General completes much-needed independent review, wide array of groups say


VICTORIA –First Nations, labour, environmental and legal organizations are calling on the B.C. and federal governments to suspend construction of the Site C dam pending completion and full consideration of an independent review by B.C.’s Auditor General.

Tim Dickinson
No place is the problem clearer than in Florida, where the Sunshine State's vast solar potential has gone to waste. Illustration by Victor Juhasz

All over the country, the Kochs and utilities have been blocking solar initiatives — but nowhere more so than in Florida

After decades of false starts, solar power in America is finally poised for its breakthrough moment. The price of solar panels has dropped by more than 80 percent since President Obama took office, and the industry is beginning to compete with coal and natural gas on economics alone.


February 11, 2016

Open Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

There’s nothing clean about the Site C dam:

Canadian organizations condemn Peace River hydroelectric mega-project for human rights violations


Dear Prime Minister,


Tracy Sherlock

The campaign to get the University of British Columbia to stop investing in fossil fuel companies will push forward even after the board committee voted against divesting, organizers say.

UBC's finance committee on Wednesday rejected a student and faculty-supported proposal to divest its $1.46-billion endowment fund of fossil fuel investments. About $85 million of that is invested in the energy sector.

"The campaign is not going to stop until they divest," said Alex Hemingway, a UBC PhD student and divestment coordinator.

Ricardo Acuna

[Webpage editor's note: A fine example of evading the cardinal issue of emissions and climate change]


There’s something almost quaint in the idea that the private sector is going to solve our energy and climate predicaments. Like Ant & Dec, the big energy companies and their state subsidisers keep making new programmes, and they’re only getting worse.


Bob Weber

Environmental groups want the eight countries that ring the North Pole to take a stand on banning the use of heavy fuel oil, considered one of the greatest threats to the Arctic ecosystem.

"We believe that measures are desperately needed to reduce the environmental impacts from Arctic shipping, and that a logical place to focus attention is vessel fuel quality," said the letter from 15 international environmental groups to the Arctic Council.

Alex Hemingway
Photo: Ryan Jackson

On Feb. 15, it’s decision day. UBC’s Board of Governors will finally provide an answer to growing calls that the university stop investing in the fossil fuel industry. Students launched the appeal for fossil fuel divestment in 2013, and were soon joined by faculty, staff, alumni and elected officials.

For the last two and half years UBC has failed to act on divestment, and the costs — both financial and moral — are mounting.

Geoffrey Morgan and Yadullah Hussain

The Alberta government’s $3 million royalty review, which had the energy industry tied in knots for months, turned out to be an expensive lesson.


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