
Charlie Smith
The Burrard Bridge belonged to pedestrians, not cyclists, on October 7. CHARLIE SMITH

October 8th, 2019

Environmental protesters scored a major coup on October 7 in Vancouver. Their climate demonstration managed to lead all the late-night newscasts.

It’s because the Vancouver chapter of Extinction Rebellion peacefully blocked the Burrard Bridge to traffic all day and evening.

This was the group’s first major direct action in Vancouver and it was part of an “International Week of Rebellion” for the climate in more than 60 cities.

Red-Green Alliance/Enhedslisten
Climate Strike

October 7, 2019 

Draft Globalization programme submitted by the National Board of the Red-Green Alliance/Enhedslisten, Denmark, to the party’s next Annual Congress on 5 – 6 October.

The world economy is characterized by major economic inequalities and by a production system that has already exceeded the limits of what is globally sustainable.

By Anton Troianovski and Chris Mooney Photo and video by Michael Robinson Chavez

OCT. 3, 2019

32-40 minutes [See link for large photos, videos, charts]

Extinction Rebellion Vancouver
The Global Rebellion Begins October 7

You are called on.

Something is happening. You know it is, you can feel it. You are called to be a part of it.

Keston K Perry
People march in Cite Soleil area of Port-au-Prince, Haiti during a protest to demand the resignation of President Jovenel Moise [Chandan Khanna/AFP]
30 Sept 2019

Decades of neoliberalism, neocolonialism and now climate injustice have pushed Haiti to the brink. By succumbing to international pressure to cut subsidies, the Haitian government accommodated foreign agendas but endangered the survival of its own population. The country produces just 0.02 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and yet its people are paying a disproportionate price for abiding by international financial standards and emission controls.
Maj. Danny Sjurse
To many, the American war in Afghanistan—which on Oct. 7 will enter its 19th year—is a prime symptom of the disease of empire. Above, a U.S. Army National Guard staff sergeant in a battle zone there in 2012. (Lt. Benjamin Addison / U.S. Army)

[Note: Superb article by a retired US Army major (combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, associate professor of history, West Point).  Straight from the horses' mouth.  Another Smedley Butler. - Will Offley]

Fatima Syed & Carl Meyer
[Top photo: "Hurricane Sandy" by jaydensonbx is licensed under CC BY 2.0]

September 25th 2019

The world’s scientists are urging countries to harness Indigenous knowledge and deploy more renewable energy technology after concluding that carbon pollution levels are leading to unprecedented sea-level rise and loss of glaciers, ice sheets and permafrost.

Greta Thunburg

[Editor: If you have not heard and watched this speach you should do so - click  here.]


This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be standing here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to me for hope? How dare you!

You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing.

Jake Johnson
Thousands of demonstrators gather at the Jungfernstieg in Hamburg. (Photo: Axel Heimken/Picture Alliance via Getty Images)

Check back for more additions and updates as the #ClimateStrike continues on Friday...

Kicking off what organizers say will be the largest mass climate demonstration in history, millions of young people and their adult allies flooded the streets around the world Friday to take part in the Global Climate Strike and pressure world leaders to confront the ecological crisis with bold and urgent action.

According to, over 4 million people took part in the collective demonstrations worldwide.


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