BC’s new climate plan, Clean BC, is a big and visionary document and was instantly lauded by environmental groups and businesses alike. In this post, I recap the key components of the plan and do a bit of a reality check against the hype, in particular the challenge of fitting liquefied natural gas (LNG) into the plan.
World’s largest container shipping group throws down challenge to industry
The world’s largest container shipping company has pledged to cut net carbon emissions to zero by 2050, challenging an industry that is both one of the main transporters of global trade and one of the biggest polluters to come up with radical solutions in the next decade.
Regulatory board CEO says no oil sheens were spotted on the water Monday or Tuesday, meaning the oil has broken down to the point that it can't be cleaned up
ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — It’s now impossible to clean up Newfoundland’s largest-ever oil spill that leaked into the ocean last week, according to the regulatory board that oversees the province’s offshore activities.
“If, as history shows, fantasies of weather and climate control have chiefly served commercial and military interests, why should we expect the future to be different?”
—James Fleming, Fixing the Sky1
One year after assuming the helm at B.C. Hydro, president and chief operating officer Chris O’Riley went before the Vancouver Board of Trade earlier this month for a progress report on Site C. “I want to start by acknowledging that Site C has been extremely challenging,” he began.
BERLIN – Since the Paris climate agreement was signed in 2015, too many policymakers have fallen for the oil and gas industry’s rhetoric about how it can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Tall tales about “clean coal,” “oil pipelines to fund clean energy” and “gas as a bridge fuel” have coaxed governments into rubber-stamping new fossil fuel projects, even though current fossil fuel production already threatens to push temperatures well beyond the Paris agreement’s limit of well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels.
Has Big Oil exposed itself to billions in losses from a widening price differential between light (West Texas Intermediate, or WTI) and heavy (Western Canadian Select, or WCS) oil?
That’s the hypothesis in a report by Scotiabank as reported in The Vancouver Sun on Feb. 20 (Pipeline delays impose demonstrable cost ($10.7 billion) to Canada’s economy: Scotiabank).