Indigenous Environmental Network, Global Justice Ecology Project and Shawnee Forest Defense!
Please join Indigenous Environmental Network, Global Justice Ecology Project and Shawnee Forest Defense! in October for The Resurgence: 2019 Forest & Climate Movement Convergencewhere we will join together diverse movements to build strategies with action to fundamentally transform the system that is destroying life on Earth.
Over 1.6 million students across the globe have been striking on Fridays: for the climate, for our future. Here’s 5 ways you can support students going out on strike again on 24 May, and answer their call for real climate action.
A bill making its way through the Texas legislature would make protesting pipelines a third-degree felony, the same as attempted murder.
"It's an anti-protest bill, favoring the fossil fuel industry, favoring corporations over people." — Frankie Orona, executive director of the Society of Native Nations
I am writing you from Montpellier, France, where I am a participant-observer in the Yellow Vest (Gilets jaunes) movement, which is still going strong after six months, despite a dearth of information in the international media.
The climate crisis is here. Arctic permafrost is melting, forests, towns, and Indigenous territories are burning. States of emergency – declared for once-in-a-century floods – are becoming commonplace, and millions around the world already face dislocation and starvation.
But that’s not the only thing keeping us up at night. Many of us are struggling to find an affordable place to live, or a decent job to support our families. Hate crimes and racism are on the rise. And promise to Indigenous peoples have yet to be implemented.
On Wednesday night a bipartisan UK Parliament passed an extraordinary measure: a national declaration of an Environment and Climate Emergency. The UK is the first national government to declare such an emergency.