
Rural America In These Times
Chicken in a business suit - (Image: Farming Pathogens)
JUNE 9, 2017
The only way to stop the next deadly pandemic to emerge directly out of livestock or poultry or indirectly out of wild animals subjected to Big Ag-driven deforestation is to end capitalist agribusiness as we know it.
Macdonald Stainsby
Photograph Source: Jernej Furman – CC BY 2.0

We all have this feeling right now. Fear, sometimes verging on terror, and the main strategy to stay human is to never panic. Still, there is a lot of reason to be greatly afraid. Covid-19 has passed into every country, and most people on earth are on some variant of lockdown. The psychology of it is immense. There is an invisible enemy, somewhere out there, and it is threatening immediately our families and loved ones, and it has removed all outdoor life, socialization, schooling, etc.

Carl Meyer
File photo of researchers on a NASA-funded mission examining melt ponds in the Arctic near Alaska, July 12, 2011. Photo by NASA
 April 13th 2020
When the Phocine Distemper Virus infects its victims, it produces symptoms that sound eerily familiar: fever, and difficulty breathing.
Chris Brooks
Labor Notes interviewed leading intellectual troublemaker Noam Chomsky about how the coronavirus is exposing the failures of capitalism and what we can do about it. Photo: Andrew Rusk (CC BY 4.0)

April 13, 2020

For decades Noam Chomsky has been a leading intellectual troublemaker. His books and speeches have helped to explain how a world run by corporations and billionaires has led to endless war and catastrophic climate change. Now he is helping to explain how corporations and billionaires are actually making the coronavirus pandemic worse by pursuing savage policies that benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else.

James Peters
Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion
Apr 14, 2020

KAMLOOPS — Trans Mountain has confirmed its pipeline expansion construction schedule within Kamloops has been pushed back.

In a memo addressed to the Canada Energy Regulator dated April 1, Trans Mountain says construction in the Kamloops Urban Area will begin in June, 2020. This is a revision from the previous schedule, which had Kamloops construction beginning this month.

Construction in the Black Pines area is scheduled to begin in August, 2020.

Khury Petersen-Smith
Nationalism will only make a global pandemic worse. We are all in this together, and our foreign policies should reflect that. (Photo: via EuroYankee)
April 13, 2020

As we take steps to control the virus, these devastating U.S. foreign policies need to be immediately reversed.

Cooperation Jackson  
April 3, 2020


The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the world before our very eyes. In less than 3 months, it has exposed the grotesque nature of the capitalist system to millions, ground the world economy to a halt, and revealed how truly interconnected our little planet really is.

Robert Green
Bank of Canada - Photo: Etienne Martin

APRIL 10, 2020

The Bank of Canada’s response to this crisis shows we have the capacity to rebuild social programs, fund Indigenous communities and transition to clean energy, what we lack is political will

“The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled,” famed Canadian economist John Kenneth Galbraith once wrote.


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