
Colin Leys
Masked health care worker

March 24, 2020


A 2014 report warned that reforms to the NHS would make it vulnerable to pandemics – by making staff redundant, undermining public health and defining spare capacity as waste. It was ignored.


Kate Ng
March 25, 2020

Once they have been tested this week and the bulk of tests arrive, they will be distributed into the community,’ says Public Health England director
Ben Burgis
Cuban doctors prepare to leave for Italy to provide medical aid. Twitter

Cuba is caricatured by the Right as a totalitarian hellhole. But its response to the coronavirus pandemic — from sending doctors to other countries to pioneering anti-viral treatments to converting factories into mask-making machines — is putting other countries, even rich countries, to shame.

Courtney Howard
Emergency physician Dr. Courtney Howard, Board President of the Canadian Association of Physicians, in Yellowknife. Photograph by Pat Kane

March 24th 2020

When I first read about the possibility of a multibillion-dollar bailout of the oil and gas sector by the federal and Alberta governments, I was exhausted.

I was exhausted from days of ER work, personal protective equipment drills, obsessive counting of ventilators and considering how to encourage Canadians to have courageous conversations around end-of-life care. I was too exhausted to even think about responding.

Damian Carrington
A tree stands alone in a logged area prepared for plantation near Lapok in Malaysia’s Sarawak State. Photograph: Saeed Khan/AFP/Getty Images

Destruction of wildlife and the climate crisis is hurting humanity, with Covid-19 a ‘clear warning shot’, say experts

Nature is sending us a message with the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing climate crisis, according to the UN’s environment chief, Inger Andersen.


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