
First Nations Leaders
Hereditary Chief Dsta’Hyl makes regular patrols through Wet’suwet’en territory to tell pipeline workers to go home. They aren’t listening, he says. Photo by Amanda Follett Hosgood.
Coastal Gas Link's ongoing construction is putting entire communities at risk! 
Peter C Baker
 Illustration: Nathalie Lees/The Guardian

 31 Mar 2020

Everything feels new, unbelievable, overwhelming. At the same time, it feels as if we’ve walked into an old recurring dream. In a way, we have. We’ve seen it before, on TV and in blockbusters. We knew roughly what it would be like, and somehow this makes the encounter not less strange, but more so.

David Holthaus
Nurses with personal protective equipment at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Photo credit: Banc d'Imatges Infermeres / Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
MARCH 31, 2020
In the 1980s, US hospitals began to transform from institutions providing comprehensive care, no matter how long it took, to healthcare factories intent on shuffling patients in and out as quickly as possible. While this was meant to save money, shortages of basic equipment during the coronavirus outbreak have revealed the high price of these cost-cutting measures.
Gord Macdonald and Jon Azpiri
Sections of pipe for the Coastal GasLink pipeline arrive near Kitimat, B.C., in December 2019. Coastal GasLink/Twitter
March 30, 2020
B.C. First Nations leaders are urging the provincial and federal governments to shut down construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline in northern B.C. during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu, B.C. Premier John Horgan, and provincial Health Minister Adrian Dix, the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs says continued construction on the controversial project is increasing the risk of transmission

Dustin Godfrey
Workers at Trans Mountain's Burnaby Terminal work in close proximity to one another, despite social-distancing protocols. Photograph By SUBMITTED

MARCH 31, 2020

Trans Mountain says it’s adhering to social-distancing protocols, even as photos emerge appearing to show workers on site within two metres of one another.

Adam Hanieh
Global Pandemic

March 31, 2020

In the face of the COVID-19 tsunami, our lives are changing in ways that were inconceivable just a few short weeks ago. Not since the 2008-09 economic collapse has the world collectively shared an experience of this kind: a single, rapidly-mutating, global crisis, structuring the rhythm of our daily lives within a complex calculus of risk and competing probabilities.

First Nations Leaders
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Honourable Patty Hajdu
Minister of Health

Honourable John Horgan
Premier of Executive Council

Honourable Adrian Dix
Minster of Health

OPEN LETTER: Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project Must be Halted Due to the COVID-19 Outbreak [March 30, 2020]

Richard D. Wolff
March/April 2020 issue

The catastrophe demonstrates the results when public health is subordinate to private profit and to a governmental apparatus that adulates the superiority of private over public administration. The catastrophe we are living through was caused by a capitalist system that could not anticipate, plan for, or cope with the coronavirus. To “get through” this catastrophe yet leave the system intact will guarantee the next catastrophe.



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