
Jon Parsons
Empty store shelves - Photo: Wonderlane

March 19, 2020

The pandemic is teaching us about what really matters — and has been possible all along

Before anything else I want to acknowledge what is unfolding in Canada and around the globe as a human tragedy. Even as this crisis offers an object lesson and has things to teach us, it is important to never lose sight of the scale of calamity in terms of suffering and loss of life.

Eric Doherty
Docked cruise ships - photo sgbirch/flickr

March 20, 2020

The measures taken to stop the pandemic have set a new standard for our collective response to the climate crisis

If a few months ago I suggested that we should shrink the cruise ship industry as a response to the climate emergency, you would probably have rolled your eyes. But now that the cruise industry is on the verge of a shutdown that could bankrupt major operators, does it seem so impossible?

Shawn Vulliez
Cancel Rent Day - Linh Do

Mar. 20, 2020

We cannot give workers a choice between spreading the virus and missing rent. The consequences could be disastrous.

In Canada, COVID-19 has meant that public events and gatherings are being cancelled. Flights, concerts, and hockey games are getting cancelled across the board. Restaurants and bars are closing. People’s contracts and work hours are being lost.

Why not cancel rent day too?

Will Offley

Mar. 18, 2020

The Energy Mix
Carbon Concentration

March 15, 2020

The fight for climate action offers a “cautionary tale” for policy-makers looking to accelerate their efforts to #FlattenTheCurve on COVID-19—as well as on how to best stimulate the global economy in the pandemic’s aftermath, reports the New York Times.

Amara Possin - 350 Canada


What a week. It has been hard to keep up with the breaking news. We’re all concerned for the wellbeing and safety of our families, friends, and communities. I know it’s a tough time for everyone, so I wanted to write to you today and to share some of what I’ve been seeing.

Last week, as businesses and schools began closing in response to COVID-19, I was thinking a lot about those who are most at risk — seniors, those with chronic illness, health care workers, and people without the time or resources to prepare. 


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