
The Big Story
Foodora  worker

Mar 10, 2020

In today’s Big Story podcast, in what’s being called an historic precedent, Foodora couriers in Ontario recently won the right to join a union. The food delivery app calls its couriers “independent entrepreneurs”, but the workers disagree with that term, citing low wages, unreliable work hours, and safety issues on the job.

What went into this fight? And what could this win mean for the future of Foodora and other food delivery services?

Steve Munro

Mar.4, 2020

"The fine for evasion is high by comparison to the slap on the wrist motorists receive for a variety of ills ranging from parking tickets to running red lights. On this one, the TTC appears to be at war with its riders.''

aniel Boffey
 It is still often quicker to travel into city centres by car despite growing congestion. Photograph: Charles Platiau/Reuters

Mar. 3, 2020

Despite €16.3bn in EU funding, cities have failed to get people on to bikes or buses, report says

Commuters in Europe are still choosing their cars over public transport despite enduring ever longer journey times into city centres owing to traffic congestion, the EU’s spending watchdog has found.

Salmaan Farooqui
Protesters gather outside the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada mining industry convention in Toronto on Sunday, March 1, 2020. Photo by The Canadian Press/Chris Young

March 2nd 2020

More than 100 people protested outside a mining convention Sunday in downtown Toronto, where they blocked traffic on multiple roads and stood in front of entrances to the event.

Organizers said they were demonstrating against the harmful effects of resource extraction to the environment and to Indigenous lands.

At one point, protesters attempted to enter the convention but were stopped by police.

Rob Urie
 Bernie Sanders - Drawing by Nathaniel St. Clair

FEBRUARY 28, 2020

Wherever Bernie Sanders’ campaign goes from here, the left critique of establishment politics is getting empirical backing through popular support for his candidacy. The establishment’s response— incredulity that the little people have the temerity to question their betters, is combined with a posture of victimhood, that blameless elites are being demonized by neo-collectivist malcontents who are too stupid to appreciate the blessing that four decades of neoliberalism has bestowed on them.

First Nations Leaders
Despite a widespread media narrative spreading incorrect information, NO agreements have been made on the Coastal Gas Link Pipeline, and the call for solidarity actions remains firmly in place!


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