

Convincing more people about the need for this, the need to mobilize for it (beyond petitions and other "pressuring" tactics), and the need for all of us to take an active part in ensuring democratic planning will more or less be the determinant of whether there is a future.

                -- Gene McGuckin

Sunera Thobani
A Black Lives Matter protest (November 2015). Photo by Johnny Silvercloud via Wikimedia Commons.

Aug 18, 2020

The West is in freefall.

Liberal-democratic institutions have suffered a near-fatal blow in the United States; Europe, caught leaderless as the United States vacates this position, is in disarray.

Three words have come to define this moment: I can't breathe.

Joyce Nelson

June 12, 2020 - In his June 9 piece for Counterpunch, entitled “Big Green Meltdown Over Planet of the Humans,” Josh Schlossberg revealed the extent to which he was “shunned, censored, slandered and blacklisted” by many environmentalists because of his criticism of biomass energy a decade ago. He relates that experience to what has been happening currently with Big Green attacks on the documentary Planet of the Humans, and he states: “Anyway, my story is just another example of what happens when you bring up topics that aren’t rubber stamped by the mainstream Greens.

Nick Turse

June 5 2020

IN THE FACE of protests composed largely of young people, the presence of America’s military on the streets of major cities has been a controversial development. But this isn’t the first time that Generation Z — those born after 1996 — has popped up on the Pentagon’s radar.

Yves Engler
Hi friends, below is an open letter calling on countries to vote no to Canada's UN Security Council bid.
Tamara Lorincz
fighter jet

May 12, 2020

Instead of buying a new weapons system, the federal government should disarm and invest in a Green New Deal

Last July, the federal government launched a $19-billion competition for 88 new fighter jets — the second-most expensive government procurement program in Canadian history.

In the running are Boeing’s Super Hornet, SAAB’s Gripen and Lockheed Martin’s F-35 fifth-generation stealth fighter. Bids are due in July, the winner will be selected in 2022 and the first combat aircraft will be delivered by 2025.

Yves Engler
Planet of the Humans
[Editor: If not the last words on the film certainly worth reading.]
May 10, 2020

The backlash may be more revealing than the film itself, but both inform us where we are at in the fight against climate change and ecological collapse. The environmental establishment’s frenzied attacks against Planet of the Humans says a lot about their commitment to big-money and technological solutions.

Matthew Behrens
Sidewalk chalk rainbow - Image: Amanda Slater/Flickr

The ongoing pandemic epoch has exposed a clear duality marked both by increasingly obvious and blatant inequalities, hypocrisies and systemic failures as well as beautiful, loving and creative responses in the form of mutual aid communities and direct action to save lives.

Khury Petersen-Smith
Nationalism will only make a global pandemic worse. We are all in this together, and our foreign policies should reflect that. (Photo: via EuroYankee)
April 13, 2020

As we take steps to control the virus, these devastating U.S. foreign policies need to be immediately reversed.


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