
 Linda McQuaig
 April 7, 2021

Canada’s faltering COVID-19 vaccine rollout is all the more stunning in light of news that little Cuba is on the brink of having its own vaccine – actually one of five COVID vaccines being developed by the tiny nation’s booming biotech industry.

Martin Lukacs
Reflecting Parliament - photo: Onfokus

Apr 13 2021

Group created at request of top corporate lobby discussed reducing regulations and creating “opportunities” post-pandemic, documents show

The federal government formed a secretive working group with the country’s most powerful oil lobby during the coronavirus pandemic, discussing reducing regulations, strengthening “investor confidence,” and creating post-pandemic opportunities for the industry, documents obtained through Access to Information reveal.

Bruce Kecskes
Which way NDP 2021 -  Jagmeet Singh and Jack Layton on bikes

April 7, 2021

In so far as participating in bourgeois democracy remains a component of socialist strategy in Canada, voters on the Left are largely limited electorally to the New Democratic Party (NDP). As with many western socialist and social democratic parties, however, the federal NDP has been following a steady course of neoliberalization over the past decades. The party’s commitment to the workers’ movement and its own foundational labour-centred principles have been jettisoned in favour of a far more moderate political project.

Marc Fawcett-Atkinson
The federal government last week announced that it will not ban a class of pesticides known to harm bees, aquatic insects, and the ecosystems that depend on them. Photo by Todd Huffman / Wikimedia Commons

April 8th 2021

Pesticides harmful to bees, water bugs, and other insects will continue to be allowed for use on Canadian fields and lawns.

Carl Meyer
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, right, at a Green New Deal event in 2019 in New York. Corey Torpie Photo / Instagram

April 7th 2021

Liberal and NDP national conventions being held this week are both set to feature policy proposals that would embrace a “Green New Deal” for Canada.

The 2021 Liberal National Convention runs April 8 to 10, while the NDP’s Convention 2021 runs April 9 to 11. Both events are being held virtually.

Emma Jackson
Imperial Oil - Photo via Kurt Bauschardt.

Mar. 30, 2021

If we continue to equate carbon pricing with ambitious climate action, we’ll stay on track to sous vide the planet within a decade.

This past Thursday, Canada’s Supreme Court delivered a blow to Conservative premiers across the country, ruling that the federal government’s imposed carbon tax is constitutional. 

Cameron Fenton
 Parliament Hill (G Yancy / Flickr)

APRIL 2, 2021

Despite his dismal environmental record, Justin Trudeau still polls positively on the issue of climate change. Voters need not just the truth but an alternative vision.

If you ask a climate activist how Justin Trudeau is tackling the climate emergency, their answer is likely somewhere on the spectrum from “very poorly” to “room for improvement.”


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