
Geoffrey York
A woman gets a shot of the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine at the Universidad Publica de El Alto, during a vaccination drive for people over age 60 in El Alto, Bolivia, on May 6, 2021.  JUAN KARITA/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
MAY 11, 2021

Canadian company wins COVID-19 vaccine deal with Bolivia – and WTO support

A top official of the World Trade Organization says he welcomes a landmark decision by the Bolivian government to seek a compulsory licence for a Canadian company to produce and export COVID-19 vaccines without the permission of the patent holder.

Brendan Kergin
 Asian Hate - sign -U.S. media outlet Bloomberg has used crime data to determine Vancouver, Canada is the 'Anti-Asian Hate Crime Capital of North America.'Photo via Wachiwit / Getty Images

"Maybe Vancouver isn’t the bastion of progressive multiculturalism it thinks it is."

Yoel Minkoff - SA Editor

This might have an impact on the perceived "need" for TMX. - Gene McGuckin

Carl Meyer
Export Development Canada headquarters in downtown Ottawa, June 25, 2018. Photo by Alex Tétreault
May 5th 2021

A Crown corporation’s financial support to the oil and gas sector came under scrutiny Tuesday as part of a new legal opinion outlining Canada’s obligations in responding to the climate crisis.

Socialist Project
Azadeh Reisdana and Sam Gindin

Editor: This is an interesting interview on the subject of how democratic socialism might be advanced.

May 2, 2021

Azadeh Reisdana interviews Sam Gindin on the recent growth of democratic socialism in developing countries and as an ideology which attracts a new younger generation of socialists. They also discuss the expansion of democratic socialism to not only a political theory but also as an economic application. This was recorded online during the Covid lockdown, March 2021.

Amanda Coletta
02 May 21

or Michigan’s governor, the 645-mile pipeline jeopardizes the Great Lakes. For Canada’s natural resources minister, its continued operation is “nonnegotiable.”

Robert Hackett & Hanna Araza
If Canadians want a conversation about energy and climate policy undistorted by Big Oil's outsized influence, newspapers still matter. Are they doing the job? Illustration by Hanna Araza

April 29th 2021

We are living in a climate emergency. Canada's government admits that. But as Seth Klein has brilliantly shown in A Good War, provincial and federal policies fall far short of the scale of the challenge. One reason for Canada's laggardly climate policies is the economic, cultural and political power of the fossil fuel industries.

Insure Our Future
Oil pipes

Coalition Denounces Decision, Pledges to Ramp Up Pressure on Remaining Insurers to Cut Ties with Trans Mountain

Laura Stone, Jeff Gray, Queen's Park Reporters

Apr. 28, 2021

Ontario will provide workers with three paid sick days to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic until the fall, a major turnaround for Premier Doug Ford’s government that critics said was still inadequate.


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