
Tom Sandborn
This photo shows Elan Gibson (seated), author, actor, activist and a spokeswoman for Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion, on the day of her arrest at the Kinder Morgan tank farm gates on May 16, 2018. Photo by Susanne Jackson

October 5th 2020

“Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
— Lord Farquaard in Shrek, the animated classic

“Fossil fuels require sacrifice zones: they always have.”
— Naomi Klein, 2016


Patrick DeRochie & Adam Scott
Recent analyses of CPP’s investments in oil, gas and coal raise red flags about the fund’s alignment with Canada’s climate commitments and mandate to invest in the best interests of Canadians. Photo by Shift Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health

Last month, Mark Machin, CEO of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), wrote that climate change is the crisis beyond COVID-19 that we can’t afford to ignore, stating that “the full effects will depend on the actions we take now and in the future.”

We strongly agree.

Rochelle Baker
Laichkwiltach Hereditary Chief George Quocksister Jr. speaks at a Campbell River protest last Saturday calling for the removal of Discovery Islands fish farms. Photo by Rochelle Baker

October 1st 2020

Opponents of open-net salmon farms are disputing this week's finding by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) that farms in Discovery Island waters pose little risk to wild salmon.

Environmentalist groups and conservationists claim DFO ignored crucial independent science to downplay the risks to imperiled Fraser River sockeye salmon in favour of the aquaculture industry.

Seth Klein
Wildfire smoke reached Coquitlam, BC last month. Intensifying wildfires are just one indication that we, like the rest of the planet, aren’t doing enough to stop climate change. Photo by Joshua Berson.

Oct. 2, 2020

The urgent response to the pandemic has shown us we can do it. We can’t dither another minute.

All of us who heed the warnings of climate scientists are increasingly alarmed as we stare at the harrowing gap between what the science says is necessary and what our politics seems prepared to entertain. Despite decades of calls to action, our greenhouse gas emissions are not on a path to stave off a horrific future for our children and future generations.

RCMP Spying
RCMP must immediately halt use of new spy software and release audit of surveillance practices, says civil liberties coalition
Alastair Sharp
Some of the 15 young people suing the federal government speak to a climate protest in Vancouver on Oct. 25, 2019, the day they launched their legal challenge. Photo supplied by David Suzuki Foundation

September 29th 2020

Lawyers for 15 young people from across Canada will plead with a federal judge this week to allow their legal fight for tougher climate action to proceed to trial.

The youngsters and their legal team argue that Canada’s actions, particularly its support of the country’s fossil fuel industry, have breached their constitutional rights to life, liberty, security and equality before the law.

Katie Hyslop

Sept. 23, 2020

In wake of the controversy, federal Green leadership candidate Meryam Haddad is kicked out of the race and then reinstated by party.


Stuart Parker resigned as interim leader of the fledging BC Ecosocialists Party late Tuesday evening after recent social media comments that were denounced as transphobic.

Jeffrey Jones
An oil sands strip mine near Fort McMurray, Alta. in 2015.  IAN WILLMS/THE NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE

Sept. 27, 2020

Proponents of a $22-billion railway linking Alberta and Alaska can start work on a host of Canadian and U.S. approvals it will require after Donald Trump announced that he will issue a presidential permit allowing the border crossing.


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