
Jeremy Hainsworth
Greater investment in infrastructure development will bolster economic recovery from the pandemic, a Business Council of BC report says | Maxvis/Getty
[Here, from the Business Council of BC, is another part of what we're up against in determining "whose new normal." Looks pretty much like the old normal with the possible addition of minimal support for childcare resources, a fond wish to co-opt Indigenous groups, an increase in government spending to boost business profits, and a decrease in regulations that protect the rest of us.
                Gene McGuckin]
Retail Action Network
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The week of action was a success and the pressure is working. Thank you for participating!
Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion (BROKE)

PRESS RELEASE, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, August 4, 2020  [See  Aug. 5 action:]

“I didn’t expect to find myself living in a tree at 63 years of age.”

Public health physician risks arrest to draw attention to climate and health impacts of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion 


July 31, 2020 - French colossal fossil Total sent a shockwave through the Alberta oilpatch Wednesday with the announcement that it is writing off C$9.3 billion in assets in the tar sands/oil sands, including $7.3 billion in the Fort Hills mine, which opened just 2½ years ago, and the Surmont thermal oilsands project.

David Fairey and Kaitlyn Matulewicz
Close to 60 per cent of workers in Canada don’t currently have paid sick days. Photo by Mike Graeme, submitted.

We can’t settle for temporary, overly bureaucratic solutions. Workers need reassurance now.

July 21, 2020


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