
Rochelle Baker
Substance use peer advocates like Jack Phillips of Victoria's Solid Outreach want people's access to safer drugs to be more immediate and varied in order to stall the climb of opioid overdose deaths. Photo: Courtesy Jack Phillips

July 16th 2020

B.C. recorded its deadliest month ever for illicit drug overdoses as fatalities from increasingly toxic street drugs continue to spike during the pandemic.

In June, 175 people died from illicit drug overdoses across the province, up from the previous record high of 171 fatalities set in May, the BC Coroners Service reported Thursday.

Rick Smith
17 July 2020

Our global plastics problem has been steadily growing for decades, polluting the planet in obvious ways. Less obvious are the microplastics that we eat and breathe, and the impacts they have on our health. I experimented on myself to find out more.

[Video at link]

Carl Meyer

July 16th 2020

British Columbia Premier John Horgan took credit Thursday for pushing the rest of the country to endorse a new $1.1-billion federally funded paid sick leave program to help Canadians avoid spreading COVID-19 at their jobs.

A $19-billion “safe restart agreement” has been reached with the provinces and territories, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced earlier in the day, meant to fund efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic for the next six to eight months.

Carl Meyer

July 16th 2020

British Columbia Premier John Horgan took credit Thursday for pushing the rest of the country to endorse a new $1.1-billion federally funded paid sick leave program to help Canadians avoid spreading COVID-19 at their jobs.

A $19-billion “safe restart agreement” has been reached with the provinces and territories, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced earlier in the day, meant to fund efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic for the next six to eight months.

Peter McCartney, Wilderness Committee
A great, narrated picture/video tour of the TMX construction sites from Burnaby north.Trans Mountain Construction Update July 2020
Trans Mountain has got lots of sticks in the ground, but not a whole lot of pipe. Let’s try and keep it that way. Climate Campaigner Peter McCartney recently took a trip along the pipeline route for this construction update.
Barry Saxifrage

July 16, 2020 - Despite decades of promises to prevent a climate crisis, the primary cause of it, global fossil fuel burning, continues to increase rapidly. Last year's fossil burn broke all records.

That's according to data released by the multinational oil and gas company BP, in the latest "BP Statistical Review of World Energy."

Jean-Denis Charlebois Secretary of the Commission, Canada Energy Regulator,

[ Letter Re Oregon Spotted Frog and Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP)]

File OF-Fac-Oil-T260-2013-03 63

14 July 2020

Mr. Scott Stoness

Trans Mountain Canada Inc. Suite 2700, 300 – 5 th Avenue SW

Calgary, AB T2P 5J2


Mr. Shawn H. T. Denstedt, Q.C.

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

Suite 2500, TransCanada Tower

450 – 1 st Street SW

Calgary, AB T2P 5H1

Ainslie Cruickshank
A report from the International Institute for Sustainable Development says federal funding should support skills training for green industries. Photo: Stephen Yang, The Solutions Project / Flickr

Jul 7, 2020

New report from Canada’s leading environmental groups lays out a roadmap for recovery that ties federal support to emissions reductions, prioritizes worker training and addresses longstanding inequalities

More than a dozen environmental organizations in Canada are calling on the federal government to attach “green strings” to its economic recovery measures that prioritize both workers and efforts to address the climate crisis.

Tim Heffernan, Simon Schweitzer and Bill Hopwood
No mass evictions protest

July 8, 2020 

Canada has now been under COVID-19 restrictions for three months, and many provinces are starting to open up again, although the virus is not under control. Canada is not yet out of the first wave and is certainly not ready to deal with the inevitable second wave. The Liberal government has acted too little and too late, but living next door to US’s Trump-caused disaster, it doesn’t look so bad.


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