
Robert Green
Bank of Canada - Photo: Etienne Martin

APRIL 10, 2020

The Bank of Canada’s response to this crisis shows we have the capacity to rebuild social programs, fund Indigenous communities and transition to clean energy, what we lack is political will

“The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled,” famed Canadian economist John Kenneth Galbraith once wrote.

Bill McKibben
TransCanada’s Keystone pipeline facility. Photograph: Jeff McIntosh/AP

Apr. 5, 2020

The oil industry saw its opening and moved with breathtaking speed to take advantage of this moment

I’m going to tell you the single worst story I’ve heard in these past few horrid months, a story that combines naked greed, political influence peddling, a willingness to endanger innocent human beings, utter blindness to one of the greatest calamities in human history and a complete disregard for the next crisis aiming for our planet. I’m going to try to stay calm enough to tell it properly, but I confess it’s hard.

Kristen Pue
motel - photo Frank Michel

Apr. 3. 2020

Cities need to find apartment or hotel spaces for people experiencing homelessness

rom health and safety to the economy, COVID-19 is revealing the penny-pinching of Canadian governments to be pound-foolish.

Jessica Wallace
Pipe for Kinder Morgan's planned Trans Mountain pipeline expansion is piled high on Mission Flats Road in Kamloops. Construction in the urban area of Kamloops is expected to begin in April 2020 and continue through to June 2021, subject to approvals. Photograph By DAVE EAGLES

Apr. 2, 2020

The company said it expects a peak of 240 workers, including a number of local and Indigenous people, on the job in Kamloops. Trans Mountain said it is working with the Kamloops Accommodation Association to identify interest and capacity at hotels, motels and RV parks

A Kamloops councillor is calling for Trans Mountain pipeline expansion construction to be postponed, amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Robert Hackett
RCMP officers cross the bridge leading to Unist'ot'en Camp in Wet'suwet'en territory in northern British Columbia on Feb. 10, 2020. Photo from Unist'ot'en Camp on Twitter
April 2nd 2020
As the global pandemic marches on, governments scramble to mitigate it and cobble together economic aid packages. Mass climate protests and the Wet'suwet'en solidarity blockades, just a few weeks ago, seem like a distant memory.
First Nations Leaders and others
Friday this week (April 3) at 4:00 pm PDT Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chief Dsta'Hyl (Adam Gagnon) and Michael Sawyer will be conducting the first in a series of Webinars about the fracked LNG Industry and its true environmental, economic and social costs. This Webinar is entitled 

#WetsuwetenStrong and the Ethics of LNG


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