
Calvin Sandborn and Fraser Thomson
An aerial view of Teck Resources Elkview Mine in the east Kootenays. Selenium pollution from mining has left a legacy of impacts. prv

Apr. 23, 2024

Opinion: If government is not careful, it could saddle Canadian taxpayers with a multi-billion dollar liability — and an unsolved pollution catastrophe

“Clean up your own mess.” — Robert Fulghum, Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Ottawa must soon decide whether to approve Glencore’s bid to buy Teck’s Elk Valley coal mines. If the government is not careful, it could saddle Canadian taxpayers with a multi-billion-dollar liability — and an unsolved pollution catastrophe.

Jon Tattrie
Gurpreet Singh Selopal’s research team with their “quantum dots” for sustainable energy technologies. Photo courtesy of Dalhousie University

Apr. 26, 2024

Nova Scotia has announced its green hydrogen action plan, calling it an “alternative clean energy source” and adding that we’re emerging as a region with “ample opportunity” to produce the product — in part because of our potential offshore wind resource.

The government wants to help create a green hydrogen sector in Nova Scotia that “produces local benefits from both domestic and export opportunities.” There currently is no hydrogen-producing industry in the province.

Saul Elbein
Greenpeace activists call for action ahead of the second session of global negotiations on plastic pollution, hosted in Paris in May 2023. (Michaela Cabrera/Reuters)

Apr. 23, 2024

What to know about the pivotal UN plastics negotiations

As both plastics pollution and concerns over its impacts on the environment and the human body grow, world governments, environmental groups and the plastics industry are meeting in Ottawa, Canada, over the next two weeks in an effort to reach an agreement on reducing waste.

Ben Parfitt
Thousands of logs and mountains of wood chips await conversion to wood pellets at the Drax pellet mill at Houston in north-central BC. Photo via

Apr. 24, 2024

And what needs to change to protect the environment and jobs.

Emily Eaton, Andrew Stevens and Sean Tucker
Corporations are using calls to continue using fossil fuels to delay action on a just transition for workers. Photo by Christian Lagerek via Shutterstock.

Apr. 24, 2024

Fossil fuel companies are building on right-wing protests to stop change and cut salaries.

What comes to mind when you read the slogan “I love Canadian oil and gas”? Energy independence? Royalties for government coffers? Good jobs for Canadian workers?

John Woodside
Natural Resources and Energy Minister Jonathan Wilkinson sits down with Canada's National Observer to discuss how the country can build the clean power grids of the future. Illustration by Ata Ojani/National Observer

Apr. 23, 2024

If Canada is going to meet its climate targets, virtually everything will need to be electrified. Gas guzzlers swapped for electric vehicles and public transportation; heat pumps put in place of gas furnaces; and renewable energy moving to centre stage as coal, oil and gas power plants are phased out.

Affordable, reliable electricity grids are essential to modern life and form the backbone of Canada’s economy. Without abundant power, energy-intensive sectors like auto manufacturing or steel production fall by the wayside.

John Woodside
The lobbyist registry shows that Pathways Alliance president Kendall Dilling met with Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland on March 15. Photo by Natasha Bulowski

Apr. 18, 2024

Oil and gas lobbyists kicked into high gear in the lead-up to Tuesday’s budget, the federal lobbyist registry shows.

Chris Hatch
Surveying California wildfire damage, Oct 11, 2017. According to the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the climate crisis will cause $38 trillion in global economy losses by 2049. Photo: California National Guard (CC BY 2.0 DEED)

Apr, 22, 2024

The language lovers among you will know that economy and ecology are twins, born and raised in the same ancient home the Greeks called oikos. They live estranged in our modern minds — a tragic separation with immense cost as the eco crashes its way back into the economy.

How immense?

Chris Russill, Patrick McCurdy & Jenny Kliever
We need to get to the bottom of fossil fuel greenwashing people encounter when conducting searches on Google. Photo by fotdmike/Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)

Apr, 12, 2024

When we are confused about carbon taxes or other climate policies, we often turn to Google for help. Some of us Google Search for information on “climate payment” or “climate action incentive payment” or "carbon tax rebate." Others seek government sources by searching “Environment and Climate Change Canada” or “net zero.” A few use special operators for searches, like “filetype:pdf climate change,” to filter for climate reports in PDF format.

Tiffany Crawford
A photo taken on March 24, 2022 shows a LNG (liquefied natural gas) filling station for trucks in Dortmund in western Germany. PHOTO BY INA FASSBENDER / AFP

Apr. 10, 2024

An open letter says plans for five new liquefied natural gas facilities do not align with global efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 C

Dozens of climate-action groups are calling on the B.C. government to halt plans to expand liquefied natural gas production because of the climate crisis.



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