
Fiona Harvey
People take part in a protest against the plan by Dutch oil company Shell to conduct underwater seismic surveys along South Africa in 2021. Photograph: Rodger Bosch/AFP/Getty Images

Apr. 9, 2024

G20 countries spent $142bn in three years to expand operations despite a G7 pledge to stop doing so, study finds

The world’s biggest economies have continued to finance the expansion of fossil fuels in poor countries to the tune of billions of dollars, despite their commitments on the climate.

Steve Lorteau
The federal government has spent $35 billion on the Trans Mountain pipeline alone. Photo via Trans Mountain.

Apr. 11, 2024

Worried about Taxpayer Dollars? Focus on Fossil Fuel Subsidies.  They cost Canadians a lot more money than the carbon tax.

The federal carbon tax increase is now in effect, and will raise gas prices by three cents per litre in most Canadian provinces.

Andrew Nikiforuk
Efficient irrigation systems have not conserved water but encouraged the expansion of irrigated land, resulting in more havoc with the global water system. Image via Shutterstock.

Apr. 11, 2024

Two recent studies show human activity is drying up the planet’s lakes, rivers and aquifers.

“When you drink the water, remember the spring.”
— Ancient Chinese proverb

Rochelle Baker
The B.C. government has flagged support for the federal fossil fuel emissions cap while delaying its own provincial plan after giving environmental approval to the FortisBC Tilbury LNG jetty project. File photo of Tilbury LNG site

Apr. 2. 2024

The B.C. government is trying to sugar-coat bad climate news with good after making back-to-back fossil fuel announcements last week, environmental groups say.

On Thursday, B.C. pledged to roll out a “backstop” regulatory emissions plan in 2026 in case the federal government’s proposed oil and gas emissions cap isn’t implemented, is scrapped or doesn’t meet provincial reduction targets.

Barry Saxifrage
The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt Van Rijn

Mar. 27, 2024

“The accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere is irreversible on human timescales and will affect climate for millennia.” — World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Despite decades of global efforts to prevent a full-blown climate crisis, the primary driver of it — CO2 — continues to pile up in our atmosphere at an accelerating rate. And last year’s CO2 rise was record-busting extreme.

Natasha Bulowski
Photo by Kris Krüg / Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Mar. 27, 2024

The federal government provided at least $18.5 billion to the fossil fuel and petrochemical industries last year, according to a new report by Environmental Defence.

The largest single subsidy was to Trans Mountain, which benefited from $8 billion in loan guarantees to try to get its nearly completed $35-billion pipeline expansion project to the finish line.

João Camargo and Leonor Canadas
Demonstration organized by the far right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party

We must resist the temptation to think that "Canada is different." The analysis and strategic points below definitely apply here, provincially and federally. Organizing our power to replace profit as the goal of society with democratic social and economic planning is the task before us.

      -- Gene McGuckin

Mar. 27, 2024

Richard Fidler
bus lane photo - from

Mar. 20, 2024

Free Transit Ottawa (FTO) organized a public meeting on March 18 on the theme “Fighting Climate Change: Beyond the Carbon Tax.”

The event was cosponsored by a range of local climate-justice movements: Ecology Ottawa, Horizon Ottawa, Justice for Workers, Fridays for Future and CAWI (City for All Women Initiative).

Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood & Alex Cool-Fergus
There are steps Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland can take in next month’s budget to address immediate affordability concerns while also setting the economy on a path toward lower emissions. Photo by Alex Tétreault/Canada's National Observer

Mar. 15, 2024

Canadians are rightly concerned about the rising cost of living. Housing affordability has reached crisis levels in many communities, while food and transportation costs are rising faster than incomes.


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