Carbon pricing


Our planet’s climate crisis is intensifying, but many in industry, government and even the advocacy community have turned to market mechanisms to alleviate climate change instead of regulating the pollutants that cause it. These free-market approaches rely on putting a “price” on climate change-inducing emissions — such as imposing taxes on carbon — as an indirect method to reduce these pollutants.

David Roberts

Oct 18, 2016 - This is not an election year in which it is easy to get attention, unless your name rhymes with Gump. Nevertheless, it's worth taking note of a colorful, contentious, and counterintuitive political drama playing out in the top left corner of the country.

Carol Linnit

October 3, 2016 - Canadians could be forgiven for being a bit confused about how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing on climate change these days. 

Last week he approved one of the largest sources of carbon pollution in the country — the Pacific Northwest LNG export terminal in B.C.

Thomas Walkom

Wed., Oct. 5, 2016 - Justin Trudeau has abandoned the illusion that logic alone will persuade all provinces to get onside with fighting climate change. That’s the upside of his pledge to have Ottawa impose a national carbon price.

The downside is that the price he set is too low to be effective.

In announcing Ottawa’s unilateral decision on Monday, Trudeau signalled that, on the climate change file at least, his quixotic attempts to achieve federal-provincial consensus have come to an end.

Brad Hornick
Trudeau in Paris

The fresh new face Canada showed the world at the Paris COP21 climate meetings held out hope for many Canadian climate activists that a national course change was in the works.

In its less than a decade in power, the Harper government extinguished multiple important Canadian environmental laws, muzzled climate scientists, harassed environmental NGOs, created "anti-terrorism" legislation that targets First Nations and other pipeline activists, and generally introduced regressive and reactionary social policy while promoting Canada as the world's new petro-state.

Mathew Carr
offshore wind park
  • Drop in renewables cost seen cutting need for emission permits
  • Dong sees further reductions as scale of projects increases
In shallow waters off the Dutch coast, you’ll soon see why the world’s biggest carbon market is struggling with slumping prices.
Shawn McCarthy

National governments will meet in Montreal this month aiming to conclude a climate deal for the global aviation sector that would establish a cap-and-trade system for airlines that fly international routes and could cost as much as $12-billion (U.S.) by 2030.

Dan Healing

Sept 16, 2016 - Solar power projects that could jolt Alberta's electricity grid with the addition of hundreds of megawatts of renewable power are being lined up in anticipation of incentives from the provincial NDP government.

According to the Alberta Electric System Operator, 21 proposed solar projects generating a total of 681 MW — about 60 times the existing provincial solar capacity — have been registered on its system access service request list as of Sept. 1.

Ian Bicks

Shell Canada Ltd. says the first carbon-capture project in the oil sands has successfully stored one million tonnes of carbon dioxide deep underground after a year of operation.

The company, which developed the $1.35-billion Quest project with the help of $745-million from the Alberta government and $120-million from Ottawa, says the project is operating ahead of schedule and under budget.


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