Carbon pricing

Cecilia Jamasmie

Canada's oil sands production will grow by 1 million barrels daily in the next decade above the current output of about 2.75 million barrels, driven mostly by the expansion of existing facilities rather than new projects, a new reports shows.

According to global consulting firm IHS Energy, the roughly 42% production increase will help Canada remain among the world’s largest oil suppliers.

Dierdre Fulton

A new leak provides further confirmation that the pro-corporate TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the U.S. and European Union would result in "a giant leap backward in our fight to keep fossil fuels in the ground."

Daniel Leon Rodriguez

With growing urgency, governments across the globe are setting bold targets for renewable energy. However, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) says that smart development will be needed to ensure the right mix of low-carbon electricity generation to cut emissions and to avoid unexpected environmental problems.

John Riddell

The first two public consultations on climate action organized by Canada's national government in Toronto, gave strong support to the demands of the People's Climate Plan (PCP), an alternative to federal climate-related proposals. The PCP's proposals are listed below.


Shawn McCarthy

It’s Canada’s $1-billion carbon dilemma.

Major energy distributors and consumers in Ontario and Quebec expect to spend more than $1-billion over four years on California greenhouse gas emission allowances. Without agreement with the United States, however, those international emission credits cannot be counted as part of Canada’s international commitment to reduce greenhouse gases.

Vaughn Palmer

June 17, 2016 VICTORIA — While B.C. ‘s carbon tax has drawn praise from around the world, the pioneering measure does not come close to meeting the claim of revenue neutrality the B.C. Liberals made for it at the outset.

“Revenue neutrality means that tax reductions must be provided that fully return the estimated revenue from the carbon tax to taxpayers in each fiscal year,” to quote the report on the tax in this year’s budget documents.

Gary Mason

Even a few short months ago, the idea that Alberta would be considered ahead of its neighbour to the west when it comes to environmental stewardship would have been laughable.

Shawn McCarthy

June 3, 2016 - On the second floor of Royal Bank of Canada’s headquarters in Toronto’s financial district, traders Ryan Holm and Rostik Radik buy and sell allowances in a carbon market that will serve as a crucial element in Ontario’s ambitious effort to reduce greenhouse gases.

Christopher Adams

May 24, 2016 - The Alberta government is speeding ahead with aggressive action to address climate change, introducing new legislation on Tuesday that would require the province's population and industry to pay for their pollution and reduce energy consumption.

Environment Minister Shannon Phillips tabled her government's climate change legislation - Bill-20, the Climate Leadership Implementation Act, exactly one year after her New Democratic Party assumed power and ended 44 years of Progressive Conservative governments ruling the province.


First the good news:

After spending months ignoring the recommendations put forward by British Columbia's Climate Leadership team, Premier Christy Clark has finally found someone to take charge of this very important file.  


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