Climate Change

Geoff Dembicki
Texas Republican Lamar Smith, a noted climate denier and big recipient of oil and gas political donations, led a House committee that produced a report suggesting environmentalists are manipulated by the Russian government.

SPECIAL REPORT: Alberta’s ‘anti-energy’ probe makes a debunked US report its must-read.

Nov. 22, 2019

Carl Meyer
File photo of diesel fuel storage tanks at an oilsands facility in 2014. Pembina Institute Photo

November 20th 2019

Canada’s biggest pension fund says it's “unfathomable” that the fossil fuel sector could wield disproportionate influence over its investment decisions, after a new report claims members of its board of directors and staff are "entangled with the oil and gas industry."

Charlie Smith
In October, climate protesters filled the streets of Vancouver demanding more action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. JANET MCDONALD

November 19th, 2019

The City of Vancouver is rarely described as a climate laggard.

But a report shows it is falling far short of its Greenest City Action Plan goal for reducing emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents.

The latest update indicates there has only been a 12 percent drop in greenhouse-gas emissions from 2007 to 2018.

TUED (Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
The Green New Deal, Net Zero Carbon,and the Crucial Role of Public Ownership - Conference Report

[Editor: below is the first part of this report which is 50 pages in total.  See the complete report and links within the report here.]

November 2019

This report was prepared by John Treat, Sean Sweeney and Irene HongPing Shen of Trade Unions for
Energy Democracy (TUED). The opinions expressed herein may not reflect the policies and positions
of unions participating in TUED.

Oliver Wainwright
 Empowerment … a ‘lowrider’ convention in Los Angeles. Photograph: Victoria & Albert Museum

Transforming everything from cities to the climate, the car is perhaps the most important designed object of the 20th century. Our critic travels to the Detroit plant where it all began

Scott Akenhead

Nov. 1, 2019

This summer, Fisheries and Oceans Canada released a beautiful-looking report “State of Canadian Pacific Salmon: Responses to Changing Climate and Habitats” which your intrepid editor, asked me to “process into layman terms” for TAKE 5. She didn’t actually say, “Your mission, should you choose to accept it,” but … you remember that music?

I definitely heard it.

Patrick Jenkins in London
Activists dressed in red demonstrate outside the Royal Exchange in the City of London as part of a wave of protests by Extinction Rebellion in October © Isabel Infantes/AFP/Getty

FT City Network says government and business must address challenges of climate change

Nov. 14, 2019

Two of the world’s biggest fund management bosses have called for a rethink of capitalism and its obsession with constant economic growth, in a plaintive appeal for business and governments to deal more decisively with the challenges of climate change.

The Canadian Press
Premier Jason Kenney speaks to the media in Edmonton on Tuesday Oct. 22, 2019. An established Edmonton charity that has supported philanthropy in the community since 1953 says Alberta's inquiry into so-called "anti-Albertan" activities is polarizing, undemocratic and unfounded. AMBER BRACKEN / THE CANADIAN PRESS

 November 15, 2019

EDMONTON — An established Edmonton charity that has supported philanthropy in the community for more than 65 years says the provincial government’s inquiry into so-called anti-Alberta activities is polarizing, undemocratic and unfounded.

In a 174-page letter to inquiry commissioner Steve Allan, the Muttart Foundation says the Public Inquiry Into Funding of Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns is creating a “climate of fear” by suggesting there is a price to be paid for disagreeing with the government.

Carlito Pablo
Former union local president Gene McGuckin is a member of the Vancouver Ecosocialists organization.

November 13th, 2019

Gene McGuckin says he has yet to meet a member of the Green Party of Canada who is an avowed ecosocialist.

Anne Watson
When They Came For The Beach

November 13th 2019

For more than eight years, independent economist Robyn Allan has amassed information about the economics and politics of pipeline expansion. She’s appeared both as an expert witness at the Northern Gateway pipeline review and expert intervenor at the Trans Mountain expansion project review. Disappointed by the outcomes, she decided to do something completely different.


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