Labour - Unions

Massachusetts Teachers Association

With more than 1,200 delegates attending, the Massachusetts Teachers Association approved a resolution “That the MTA delegation to the 2019 NEA Representative Assembly propose a national teachers strike in support of the Green New Deal.”

The submitters’ rationale noted that

Diverse BC Groups - Union, Environmental, Legal, First Nations, Youth, Advocacy


Widespread Opposition Reasserts the Trans Mountain Pipeline Will Never Be Built


For Immediate Release



David Camfield


The push for a Green New Deal (GND) that’s become a big topic of political discussion in the US has come north. At the beginning of May 2019, the Pact for a GND was launched publicly in Canada. It was endorsed by a range of organizations and prominent individuals. Behind the scenes, staff from a number of major NGOs including Greenpeace and Leadnow are playing key roles in the initiative.

Jeremy Brecher
A Green New Deal mobilization will require millions of workers and a sense of urgency unlike anything the nation has ever done. (Image: Labor Network for Sustainability)
February 25, 2019

18 concrete ways to make the urgently needed climate mobilization a reality
A Green New Deal mobilization will require millions of workers and a sense of urgency unlike anything the nation has ever done. (Image: Labor Network for Sustainability)
Linda Flood


May 21, 2019 - All agree that there are no jobs on a dead planet, writes Linda Flood. But the road to fewer emissions is full of opinions.

The trade unions’ solution for a greener world is new jobs with good working conditions. The critics argue that there’s not enough time. ”We can either protect industrial jobs in the global north or save the climate,” says political scientist Tadzio Müller. 

Politicians, businesses, and unions all agree: there are no jobs on a dead planet. But the road to fewer emissions is full of opinions.

Richard Greeman
Yellow vests demonstration

May 20, 2019

I am writing you from Montpellier, France, where I am a participant-observer in the Yellow Vest (Gilets jaunes) movement, which is still going strong after six months, despite a dearth of information in the international media.

Paul Abela

May 6, 2019 - Economists tell us that the federal carbon tax will provide an end to the “externalization” of the costs associated with CO2 emissions. Environmentalists tell us that increasing the cost of carbon-intensive energy will alter consumer behaviour and “save the planet.” Politicians levy the tax and tell us that we’re all in this thing together.

Jane McAlevey
System Change, Not Climate Change / Flickr

Demands for real climate justice got a welcome boost recently as youth walked out of schools worldwide on March 15, urged to go “on strike” by sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg from Sweden. Images in mainstream and social media exploded with pictures of young people marching into plazas across the world, confronting intransigent elected officials and speaking truth to power.

Rick Smith and Ken NeumannI


In a month where unprecedented floods have ravaged many Canadian communities, the immediate perils of climate change have never been more evident. At the same time, the news is full of reports underlining the economic anxiety felt by many Canadians. One recent poll showed that nearly half of us fear that we’re only $200 away from personal bankruptcy.


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