
Marc Lee
Image - Dollar sign drip from gas hose

As the last paragraph below says, excess profit taxes have been imposed during wars. In the Second World War that kind of tax was 75-100%. Ottawa should now impose that kind of tax at all times, not just during the current gas price spike. The "war" against climate disruption and other environmental destroyers must be won for the children, and the current gougers should bloody well pay for it (until their destructive industry is nationalized and wound down).

         -- Gene McGuckin 

Mar. 17, 2020

Keith Baldrey
Photograph via Getty Images

Mar 21, 2022

One of B.C.'s biggest unions says talks have 'stalled' as inflation soars.

Of all the fiscal challenges faced by the BC NDP government during this pandemic, the most daunting may lie just ahead.

Almost all of the collective agreements covering 393,000 unionized public sector employees are set to expire at the end of this month, and union expectations at the bargaining table have rarely been as high as they are now.

Ministry of Just Transition Collective
Government of Canada - Ministry of Just Transition

Mar. 24, 2022

A press conference from a Climate Emergency Coalition Government three years into the future reports on its progress towards climate justice

As we near the end of 2025, it’s worth reflecting on the first 1000 days of a new era. 

Barry Saxifrage
Canada is the only G7 nation emitting far above 1990 levels — and Alberta, Saskatchewan and B.C. are the main drivers of this climate failure.

Mar. 23, 2022

Humanity is hurtling towards a full-blown climate crisis. To avoid this dystopian future, climate pollution must rapidly plunge to zero.

Natasha Bulowski
The Liberals and New Democrats strike deal to stay in power.

Mar. 23, 2022

[Editor: Cautious optimism? Just another reminder that electoral politics isn't dealing with the climate emergency?]

A new agreement between the federal NDP and the Liberal government promises political stability until 2025, which will be key for climate action despite its underwhelming commitments, political scientists say.

Amanda Follett Hosgood
An image taken by enforcement officers with BC’s Environmental Assessment Office in October shows a muddy plume of water from a Coastal GasLink worksite entering the Clore River, east of Kitimat.

Feb.  25, 2022

The pipeline firm was penalized for violations including allowing sediment to flow into sensitive watersheds.

Coastal GasLink has been ordered to pay a $72,500 fine for environmental violations that continued for at least a year along its 670-kilometre pipeline route through northern B.C.

Amanda Follett Hosgood
Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief Na’Moks, left, speaks with a Coastal GasLink worker. ‘I’m sure they don’t want the public to know how much the public is paying to guard an industry.’ Photo by Amanda Follett Hosgood.

Mar. 2, 2022

Spending dropped quite a bit in 2021, but the force still has a significant presence in Wet’suwet’en territory.

The RCMP’s costs for policing a remote resource road on Wet’suwet’en territory have steadily dropped over the past three years, according to information obtained by The Tyee through freedom of information laws.

Amanda Follett Hosgood
RCMP tactical officers stand on a bridge on the Morice Forest Service Road while arrests were underway on Nov. 18, 2021. BC’s Public Safety Ministry approved the use of provincial resources despite flooding underway in the province’s southwest. Photo by Amanda Follett Hosgood.

Mar. 11, 2022

Documents contradict previous statements made by RCMP Chief Supt. John Brewer.


British Columbia’s Public Safety Ministry worked to provide policing resources for the arrest of Wet’suwet’en and their supporters who blocked a remote resource road in northern B.C., even as the province’s southwest faced unprecedented flooding last November.

First Nations leaders
Come to the front lines
Allies are always needed at the front lines. It's still winter in the Wet'suwet'en Yintah. So if you're a hardy committed individual prepared to spend some time standing with these brave land defenders, apply at the following websites:
 Gidimt'en Clan:  


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