
John Bartlett
Neighbours gather while taking part in a neighborhood town hall meeting in Santiago earlier this month. Photograph: Pablo Sanhueza/Reuters

[Editor: Citizens' Assemblies seem to be growing in popularity world-wide - setting up citizens' assemblies is one of the three demands of Extinction Rebellion.  Something similar was also done recently across Canada to promote discussions for a Canadian Green New Deal.]

November 13, 2019

In the dappled shade of Santiago’s Parque Almagro, hundreds of Chileans sat immersed in conversation, reflecting on the past, present and future of their country.

William E. Rees
A rational world with a good grasp of reality would have begun articulating a long-term energy and consumption wind-down strategy 20 or 30 years ago.

Yesterday I presented the first of two “Am I wrong?” queries regarding the climate crisis. If you accept my facts, I said, you will see the massive challenge we face in transforming human assumptions and ways of living on Earth.

Stephanie Wood
Indigenous leaders march on Jan. 8, 2019, in Vancouver, B.C. Rallies were held across Canada to show solidarity with Wet'suwet'en. Photo by Michael Ruffolo

Nov. 8, 2019

Shiri Pasternak suspected corporations likely won more injunctions than First Nations did in land disputes.

But she was shocked after she and her fellow researchers began crunching numbers.

The team at Yellowhead Institute, an Indigenous-led think tank, reviewed nearly 100 injunction cases. They found corporations succeeded in 76 per cent of injunctions filed against First Nations, while First Nations were denied in 81 per cent of injunctions against corporations.

Verso Books
Evo Morales Nov. 2019
. . a very good statement opposing the coup. It is co-authored by seven prominent acadmics, and co-signed by an additional 21 academics and activists. - Tim Kennelly
John Nichols

Nov. 10, 2019

Her win is a sweet victory for foes of big corporate money in politics—but it really was a struggle.

Gene McGuckin
November 10, 2019
Comrade Sawant,
    At a meeting this afternoon the Vancouver Ecosocialists (British Columbia) voted enthusiastically to send you our hugely delighted congratulations on your re-election to Seattle City Council. We recognize this victory, in the face of capital's contemptible, anti-democratic attempt to purchase your defeat, as a tribute to the time, energy, and creative effort you have expended during your first two terms on behalf of the working people of Seattle and on behalf of all working people. Thank you!
Bolivian President Evo Morales was forced to resign Sunday after two weeks of right-wing violence. | Photo: teleSUR

10 November 2019

His resignation came after senior army heads asked them to resign amid right-wing violence and coup attempt for weeks since the Oct. 20 elections. 


Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad
Evo Morales and Alvaro García Linera in a mobilization on October 28 in La Paz. Photo: Evo Morales twitter

[Editor: At our meeting we, (those attending the Vancouver Ecosocialist Group meeting of Nov. 10, 2019),  agreed to endorse and post to our website and social media the denunciation below of the coup attempt against Evo Morales.


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