
Chris D'Angelo .

Heatwaves, drought, wildfires and infectious disease threaten to undermine decades of gains in global public health.

Nov. 13, 2019

Carl Meyer
File photo of diesel fuel storage tanks at an oilsands facility in 2014. Pembina Institute Photo

November 20th 2019

Canada’s biggest pension fund says it's “unfathomable” that the fossil fuel sector could wield disproportionate influence over its investment decisions, after a new report claims members of its board of directors and staff are "entangled with the oil and gas industry."

Oliver Wainwright
 Empowerment … a ‘lowrider’ convention in Los Angeles. Photograph: Victoria & Albert Museum

Transforming everything from cities to the climate, the car is perhaps the most important designed object of the 20th century. Our critic travels to the Detroit plant where it all began

Nick Estes
 ‘“My sin was being indigenous, leftist, and anti-imperialist,” Evo said after being coerced into resigning this week. Photograph: Henry Romero/Reuters

The indigenous-socialist project accomplished what neoliberalism has repeatedly failed to do: redistribute wealth to society’s poorest sectors

14 Nov 2019

Jeffery R. Webber & Forrest Hylton
“Instead of society conquering a new content for itself, it only seems that the state has returned to its most ancient form, the unashamedly simple rule of the military sabre and the clerical cowl.”  Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte

In office since 2006, Evo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, has been overthrown in a coup d’état. Debate on how this happened and what it all means has been proliferating on the international left. Ashley Smith talked with Jeffery R. Webber and Forrest Hylton, two long-time observers of Bolivia, to get a better sense of the issues at stake.

15 November 2019

What kind of coup has taken place in Bolivia, and what are the stakes in labelling it a coup?


The Canadian Press
Premier Jason Kenney speaks to the media in Edmonton on Tuesday Oct. 22, 2019. An established Edmonton charity that has supported philanthropy in the community since 1953 says Alberta's inquiry into so-called "anti-Albertan" activities is polarizing, undemocratic and unfounded. AMBER BRACKEN / THE CANADIAN PRESS

 November 15, 2019

EDMONTON — An established Edmonton charity that has supported philanthropy in the community for more than 65 years says the provincial government’s inquiry into so-called anti-Alberta activities is polarizing, undemocratic and unfounded.

In a 174-page letter to inquiry commissioner Steve Allan, the Muttart Foundation says the Public Inquiry Into Funding of Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns is creating a “climate of fear” by suggesting there is a price to be paid for disagreeing with the government.

Matt Wilgress
Interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez talks during a conference at the presidential palace on November 13, 2019 in La Paz, Bolivia. Javier Mamani / Getty Images

In Bolivia, the military, police, and right-wing extremists have carried out a coup against the elected government. They intend to remain in power by violently suppressing the country's indigenous and poor.

November 14, 2019

Sean Craig
Protesters, joined by faith leaders and members of Extinction Rebellion Toronto, take over the intersection of Yonge and Dundas streets in downtown Toronto as part of a demonstration declaring a climate crisis on June 10, 2019. Photo by Nick Iwanyshyn

Nov. 13,2019

A major academic review of the impact climate change has on human health has found that more than half of the nearly 450,000 Canadians evacuated from their homes due to wildfires since 1980 were displaced in the past decade, and says that more than 1,000 Canadians were killed by air pollution related to the transportation industry in 2015.


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